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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Read the commented out line, he says you need to make a function that plays a sound. See playSound
  2. I understand...I tried doing this but I couldn't be arsed to finish it.
  3. qaisjp


    Would the following work instead of its respective other? if (type(t1) or type(y2)) ~= "table" then --instead of... if type(t1) ~= "table" or type(y2)~="table" then --be the same? and.. if method ==("ceil" or "floor") --instead of... if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") --be the same?
  4. qaisjp


    Well, thank you
  5. qaisjp


    I'm making a skin saver thingy for my server ( /saveskin slot) and I was thinking.. save it in an xml client side or save it in mysql server side? Player happiness - Basically, client side is good cause you can back it up, in my server you must log in/register and if you lose your account everything (LIKE ALL USERDATA) is gone ( unless I move it ).. Latency - If 100 people are on my server, and each person saves 500 skins, would that cause a lag to the server or result in an increase of filesize (i'm not 100% sure how db's work in mysql, i just know enough to work with it)? I don't want 500 long lost players to lag the server. Security - Is it safer to store c-side or s-side? What do you think? I need help
  6. I thought this was going to be a server , oh its a gamemode
  7. 1.1 or 1.0.5, i might be able to get you a server on both, just tell me wat version.
  8. Remember to cancel the event @ line 7 (or does toggleControl already stop it?)
  9. qaisjp

    vG & sG

    Indeed it does sound like he is trying to get it off vG, we do not help people pirate or get scripts off other servers...if you still want to proceed your best bet would be a their site (valhalla gaming - google it)...but I already know you wont get anything...
  10. Can i get the download link of that Qt Designer ? Don 't requote massive images or such, just get the image.
  11. Well, his new name is because Famas is already taken from "french famas". And he didn't get time to finish it, he disapeared off the face off mta leaving tagless dead (lol). Although I see him on MSN sometimes....
  12. qaisjp


    What is this supposed to do.. for i=2,4,1 do thanks in advance
  13. Hm... no no no no no.. check your mysql database connections..
  14. Hm... thanks. source function addSQLTableColumn(string tablename, string columname) return executeSQLQuery("ALTER TABLE "..tostring(tablename).." ADD "..tostring(columnname).." "..tostring(datatype)) end function removeSQLTableColumn(string tablename, string columname, string datatype) return executeSQLQuery("ALTER TABLE "..tostring(tablename).." DROP "..tostring(columnname)) end function alterSQLTableColumn(string tablename, string columname, string datatype) return executeSQLQuery("ALTER TABLE "..tostring(tablename).." ALTER "..tostring(columnname).." "..tostring(datatype)) end
  15. onClientElementDestroy [lua] if getPedOccupiedVehicle(me) == source then stopSound(sound) end [/lua
  16. So you select the table (and store as a LUA Table) , then you drop it, then you create it again with the extra stuff and then put in the old data (with a script that adds the extra stuff to the lua table)
  17. maybe try and configure it to do this: zafire[player]["money"]
  18. Hm, one time I was on that server and I got LSOD (that thing you got) when a member used that big attachments and drove into me Mine didn't fix on reconnecting, if fixed on restarting MTA,
  19. Use /debugscript 3 instead
  20. (Thanks Cast) What do I need to do if I want to add more columns?
  21. I previously stored money and some other data as account data and I would like to move it to SQLite tables. Would this work to transfer them? function transfer() executeSQLCreateTable ("userdata", "account TEXT, money TEXT, skin INT, position TEXT" ) for index,value in ipairs(getAccounts()) do local money = getAccountData(value, "money") local skin= getAccountData(value, "skin") local position = getAccountData(value, "lastpos") executeSQLInsert("userdata", "'"..getAccountName(value).."', "..tonumber(money) or 0 .."', "..tonumber(skin) or 0 .."', "..tostring(position).."'") end end Does executeSQLDropTable delete the table? For example executeSQLDropTable("userdata") would remove the table userdata? Would executeSQLDelete be appropiate for when deleting an account? So I would just need to do the account name as the second value?
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