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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Maybe MTA should also have another time too...
  2. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1708 volk-rus reuploaded the default mta res, but editied it.
  3. Hm, I would be glad to update the dance resource, once I get an active link I will start working on it.
  4. Does the collisions get smaller?
  5. no probs, i have moved to 1.1 now
  6. No problem, doesn't matter anymore
  7. I wish I was there for the beta test server , fucku timezones Nice vids!
  8. qaisjp

    Vehicle ID

    What do you exactly want, I don't really understand.
  9. Nice, quite different to what I saw on the_gta's server. positions and speed is a question. Where and how much speed is required. Enable some xml or table edit. add some border to the photograph use a png flash not fadecamera <- Just a theory nice work. will u release ur chatbox?
  10. XML = , it's good, but it depends how ur using it
  11. It was 99%, it has gone down to 98%, atleast that new hud feature will be available.
  12. What do i call myself?
  13. JR10, please don't advertise other resources in this topic, it's simply unfair to resedit ;3, resedit is truly the best ingame editor and nothing else will ever and nothing currently ever does beat it. Tank07, go for this one Edit, June 2020: I don't agree with this comment anymore.
  14. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=2613 - login panel by nextreme
  15. Don't freeze him there, the freeze function sucks immensely (in 1.1 AND 1.0.5); instead, use attach elements for attaching the player to the cargobob. You would want to set the ramp's alpha to 0 (setElementAlpha) and you would like to set the collisions of the object (setElementCollisionsEnabled - I recommend using client sided) false to everyone but the person (or people) on the ramp. Good Luck
  16. That was useless, lol. What doesn't work? Do /debugscript 3 and tell us your errors. Help us to help you! meta.xml <meta> <script src="c.lua" type="client/> </meta> c.lua outputChatBox("No-TbGes|x[Dev-PoinT]x",255,255,0) function stopMinigunDamage( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if source === getLocalPlayer() then return end if ( weapon == 0 ) then outputChatBox("Dontkill with Fist!!",0,255,0) cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", root, stopMinigunDamage)
  17. Read the topic again msprod please, it is either private or
  18. Jezus, what I am trying to say is compiling is not the same as encoding. For example, you can encode a text file (or a lua file in our case) to change the way how it is read ( in this case, 1.1 require UTF-8 FOR ALL SCRIPTS), but compiling our lua, just makes it not readable. Compiling does NOT affect encoding! Encoding changes the way it is read! Compiling makes it illegiblefor the basic thieves.
  19. I encountered a similar problem on my own server (1.0.5), tell me if it works if the resource has just one script
  20. I would say "CJ" is wearing, since only CJ can wear clothes. local clothes for i=0, 17 do texture, model = getPedClothes ( thePed, i ) clothes[texture] = model end ^^ I think you already did that, but I think you should make a JSON string for each type.
  21. ENCODE ~= COMPILE ENCODE IS NOT THE SAME AS COMPILE It's supposed to be like that, everything is proper.
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