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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. qaisjp


    You have no life
  2. qaisjp


    I have tested txd changes in the world, I haven't test dff. Firstly, you need to find the model id of the object of that location in the world. I'm sure Oz knows that tool, i forgot the name. Secondly, you need to model it so that part of the collisions are removed. Thirdly create an object in the same position of the same world, use setElementCollisionsEnabled(obj,false) and setElementAlpha(obj, 0) on the created object. Finally try and walk through that area and see if you fall through. Now to do what you really want to do (we all know what you are trying to do); create a garage door object so it covers the non-collidable area. Create a colshape roughly around it. When someone enters the colshape move the door object and you have majik on your side. If you can do this, you are no longer classified as a noob, to me.
  4. qaisjp


    createObject, partially. buy a model from a modeller
  5. I'll take a look in the hedit files and add enforcing for 1.1.0
  6. local AWAYInterior1= createMarker (845.54,-1249.89,6.5, "arrow", 1.5,255,255,0) setElementDimension(AWAYInterior1,1) setElementInterior(AWAYInterior1,3) function Leaveint2( hitPlayer, m ) if not m then return end setTimer(setElementPosition,1000,1,hitPlayer,372.117,163.04,1025.78) setElementDimension(hitPlayer,0) setElementInterior(hitPlayer,0) fadeCamera(hitPlayer,false,1 ) setTimer(fadeCamera,1000,1,hitPlayer,true,5 ) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit",AWAYInterior1,Leaveint2 ) fixd, no problem.
  7. Go to IDE_List and do CTRL + F and type the dff in the window/popup. it will lead to a number of txd;s. edit: intring_gymint3.txd
  8. capy, make a usersystem.then work with function getPlayerClass(p) return getElementData(p,"playerClass") or 1 end Use cannonballs system if you are going to use ths a lot
  9. Thank you everyone, I will definitely look into these websites and I will let you know about the newest updates (lol, mac without a battery O_o)
  10. I'm buying a new laptop and I'm wondering, what will be the best for playing mta and scripting shit. I'm choosing an Acer one @ pcworld.co.uk I have these on my list: http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/acer-aspi ... 0-pdt.html http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/acer-aspi ... 5-pdt.html http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/acer-aspi ... 8-pdt.html what do you think?
  11. You removed your PM. Add me to: qaispatankar (hotmail.co.uk)
  12. Meh, you wanna do some teamviewer work? it'll be much easier.
  13. qaisjp


    HM, fine sorry CapY. Here is the code that will fix your thing: I do recommend you to give credits, but w/e it's your choice addEvent("vehicleramps_PlayerSpawnedRamp", true) addEventHandler("vehicleramps_PlayerSpawnedRamp", getRootElement(), function(mode, returnedData) triggerClientEvent("vehicleramps_SpawnRamp", source, mode, returnedData) end ) Very small, very powerful. put it in the server side.
  14. qaisjp

    Help again?

    lol, i died. send again lol?
  15. Well, after 10000 (who noes, it could be infinity) the game engine is dead. You are out of the game engine. The GTA map has limits, the rest of the world are not created, it's just default. that's why setting wave height and level doesnt affect the outside
  16. qaisjp


    Firstly, it's a stolen script. But nobody knows that and it's too popular. Secondly, it's a two minute fix. Thirdly, i don't like you Finally, make a server side event to trigger the client even that appears not used. Oh, and if you want, come on my server and i'll send you my server side file. noob
  17. Indeed. I just added it to modules in the mtaserver.config, it says it fails to run, but the server runs smoothly. If you dont' add libmysql to it, it will abort the server.
  18. By default there are none, you have to add it yourself (through mysql, i use phpmyadmin)
  19. volk-rus, I just did that, but better. Look carefully before you post -.-
  20. messages = { "Hi", "How are u?", "Whats up?", "I love you", "I speak shit", "add more here", "no need to change anything else, too;)" } serials = { "2F79CDD46FA67EB6006A1C1E24BD3583" } function chat(message,messageType) serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if serials[serial] then cancelEvent() outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).."#FFFFFF:"..messages[math.random(1,table.getn(messages))] or "Hehe, you suck!" ,source,0,0,0,true) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root,chat)
  21. Tell me about it, H4F; I used to have a usersystem that was saving according to *account* TO .xml. For every account it would add an entry to "master.xml" and make it's own unique xml files @ "users/accountname.xml". So yea, it is a waste of a lot of stuff if you use XML like that.
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