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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. OMG SAME PLACE AS 493!!!
  2. Is it fixed now, or do you still need help JR10 D:
  3. Headshot4Fun, i recommend you create an sql table with a list of account names and their data using SQLite (it's inbuilt, not mysql)
  4. What John said is true, the actual roleplay sucks cock, but some of the features whch are hard to get to when you start roleplaying are good.
  5. I recommend you not to work with mysql until you are fluent with the basic scripting of MTA LUA.
  6. qaisjp


    For touring through the city, search the community for toursa made by me. Then use exports.toursa:startSATour() to start touring
  7. A. haha nope. he pwnd q. please random, please can u do it?
  8. How is it called abuse O_O And what I mean is the camera when jumping and jacking, the bike styles the handlign etc... i wouldn't neccesarily go into skins, physics and mapping.
  9. qaisjp


    Then I assume he just copied and pasted...
  10. qaisjp


    guiSetVisible and stop being lasy, INTRODUCTION TO SCRIPTING. INTRODUCTION TO SCRIPTING GUI. We aren't your servants to assist you every small little thing. Try working out things yourself? I tried doing something, I asked for help and ended up fixing part of it myself, can't you try harder? thanks for teh server tip.
  11. Oh ok I thought it contained all the other stuff (seats, dashboard, engine compartment, underside etc [yes i copied from ur post]) too... You could use dxCreateTexture and apply stuff through images..but that is kinda advanced.. I don't know how to use it.
  12. Coool After making IVhud, you should make Total GTA IV Conversion mod for MTA. Which includes IV hud excluding the map ofc.
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