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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. qaisjp

    I'm leaving

    i'll come back next year, kthxbai. november fools day
  2. someone NEEEDS to update guieditor even if it has to someone other than Remp....
  3. /me killled MTA (ultra code: for i=0-tonumber("inf"), tonumber("inf") do outputChatBox("Die") end )
  4. a. yes, im rofl'in right now... you wanna know why? cos u suck. q. you know now?
  5. getPedRotation ( getLocalPlayer ( ) )
  6. (the timetravelling going to the future transports me, but going in the past makes me see myself and not control myself [unless i want to control myself]) I walk around the room wondering how to force the power and I think of where to go. I decide to go to see my parents being killed. I have a weird idea that running into the wall will trigger the traveling sequence and I run into the wall. I get hurt and nothing happens. I blink and then I see my parents, holding a gun to a few people. A duel is about to start. Horror fills me up... (I'm sorry i dunno how to play rpg forum games, i hope i did it properly )
  7. * qaisjp joined the game * qaisjp registered to Ben's forum game * qaisjp logged in * qaisjp is awaiting a storyline set for him /me orders Ben to give him a good role.
  8. Even though it is solved, your post needs to be described correctly and if you solve problems on your own you should post how you fixed it...
  9. sex games allowing everyone wattafak (exactly 8 chars)
  10. qaisjp

    Vehicle Gui

    Gtagasje, don't use several events for the same thing. Make one event, and as an argument put the model id (triggerServerEvent("SpawnPoliceCar", root, modelID)
  11. /me killed kimmis9 (del by itself deletes FILES. There is a seperate argument for deleting directories or you have to do a recurring deletion argument)
  12. qaisjp


    Try __index instead.
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