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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. "This video is private, sorry about that :/"
  2. triggerServerEvent triggerClientEvent possible already, using a more complex method. SEE THE_GTA's RESEDIT
  3. If a chicken gives an egg but an egg hatches into a chicken, what comes first?
  4. Not for some time I suppose, knash - Remi told me he wont upload anything to the SVN / put a new revision until he has remade hedit entirely
  5. .map is a frickin xml file, until map files are no longer xml based there is a 99% chance THIS will never happen.
  6. Not in data/help.xml Keep it only help.xml
  7. So yes, a tutorial subforum (not just for scripting)
  8. saveMapData This converts a set of elements in the element tree into XML. This is a format that can then be loaded as a map file. Each element represents a single XML node CANN WORK FOR THINGS OTHER THAN MAPS
  9. Also make use of http://code.google.com/p/hedit
  10. I dont quite understand what this is yet.
  11. qaisjp


    -- Precode for the code in s4l_message.lua itWasAJoke = {":(", false} lostingTime = 0 qaisjp = math.huge print("The joke has been properly initiated now \"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"Smile\" />")
  12. chocolates called QualityStreets
  13. qaisjp


    onclick { goToAndPlay("YesYouAreDoingItRight") }
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