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Everything posted by robhol

  1. Maaaan.. start paying attention, lol.. there hasn't been anything called DP3 since 2008 I think the handling functions aren't too far off now, though. Even though they're scheduled for MTA 1.2.0 and it's hard to be sure.
  2. robhol

    Sync trouble.

    I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. Sync trouble. What is it, what does it do, what triggers it, why haven't I seen it until 1.0.2 and is it fixed in 1.0.3?
  3. robhol

    Need a drift script

    You can check the player's speed and direction they're traveling in per frame (onClientRender) and compare it with rotation (Z). Scores could be awarded based on the difference between traveling directon and vehicle rotation (possibly also turn velocity), also taking into account the total "speed" of the vehicle.
  4. On the other hand, who actually reads those.
  5. Function and variable names are case sensitive. It's "Visible", not "visible", "VISIBLE" or "vISiBlE".
  6. And if there's no admin there, you're screwed, that's it, end of story. Then it'll be up to them. Again: I really doubt you are blameless in this matter. Even if you are, there must be SOME reason they don't want you in the server. In any way, that decision is totally theirs to make if they're given the rights and means of doing so, and there's nothing you can do about it.
  7. Well, for the 4th time: take it up with the admin of the server. Apart from that, I assume they kick you for a valid reason. In that case, you need to find out what that reason is, then change it.
  8. Then you should already know they're completely different - in other words you have wasted money (most hosting companies won't offer refunds IME). You'd need to buy a real MTA server.
  9. robhol


    And this should go without saying, but trolling other channels, networks and people is definitely not going to help your case. The best thing for you to do would be getting a new identity (and a brain,) and then actually trying to behave. You can do it!
  10. Oops, looks like you're at a dead end. Why would you want to drop columns at runtime anyways?
  11. Move along fellas, nothing to see here.
  12. Slot number fail. MTA only supports 128, which means that you either got scammed or are trying to recruit scripters for a SA-MP server (in lua, no less) Either way, tough luck.
  13. Fact of the matter is, I doubt anybody here cares, and I'm pretty certain nobody here can do anything about it. If you ARE getting kicked for invalid reasons (which I doubt) you need to take that up with the server admin, NOT here, because people here CAN'T help you.
  14. Cool story, bro. If you think it'll compensate for months of solid trolling, ban evasion, cheating, flaming, spamming, more trolling, being a troll and finally, let's not forget TROLLING, you're probably wrong.
  15. You can try MTA:Script Editor and help to improve it by reporting bugs. IMO, that's still too buggy to use unless you use it for the specific purpose of testing it. I still stick with notepad++ and will do so until MTASE becomes usable and bug-free, which might be a good long while off.
  16. Muhahha, one vote on the way to world domination... Well, seeing as this topic's been around for two weeks, it doesn't seem like I'll get the job. .. Or maybe it's just that people in charge haven't seen it yet.
  17. Actually, players should be able to set a nickname during installation and "Player" shouldn't be an option.
  18. I haven't got time to look through the code itself at the moment, but if it does explode and there is an IF around the function call that detonates them; bully for you, you've probably made it. To test, you can change it to use player names, and then change your nick for testing purposes. Obviously you should stick with elements, after you're sure it works.
  19. Not a text function, no. You'll need to create an onClientRender handler where you dxDraw the text for any ped that's visible. getPedBonePosition will help as far as positioning it goes. So will getScreenFromWorldPosition.
  20. No. If it IS a private server, you can do whatever you want via scripting, if it's not, you shouldn't be trying in the first place. Simple as that.
  21. setElementData on the markers, with the player name or element or whatever. When one player triggers the detonation, check the player for every orb/sticky bomb and see if it's the one who triggered the command.
  22. Hi; just to break in a bit here: if there's anything in my tutorial that's "confusing", it'd be nice if you could tell me what it is, that way I can improve it. Also, the basics of the SQL language are often the same across different implementations, so you could look at any SQL tutorial (this, for example. This is meant for websites, but as I said, the language and basic principles are the same) and still be able to use it here.
  23. Anywhere from an hour to a day. Maybe it updates once a day or whatever. Anyway, prepare for some waiting. If you're not going to have a server open all the time, there's no point in registering it at GM anyways, though.
  24. Some more info: I've disabled the only thing that can possibly require enough "thinking" to lock up the server for several seconds. The only thing that's left is perfectly normal database interaction (sqlite) which means that somewhere, there's one bitch of a problem. I, and many others, are eager to get this server running as quickly as possible, so answers would be appreciated.
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