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Everything posted by SATAN

  1. SATAN

    The White Rabbit

  2. only for one model (soviet flag)
  3. to be very honest .. i only removed it to annoy you. .. nah just kidding i might gonna need it for another map .. so your work wasn't for nothing.
  4. Version 1.0.1 released * removed a lot of objects = better streaming * added maplimits, so players who leave the map will get killed * gravity script removed (forgot that to mention in the changelog on the community center D:)
  5. do you have any mods installed? have you tried reinstalling gta and mta?
  6. omg awesome resource exactaly what i was looking for .. going to test it tomorrow.
  7. omg .. i cant believe how cheeky some people are ... can an admin pls delete this resource: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=482 this map is made by me and this guy re-uploaded it without asking me .. he even changed the author in the meta.xml to "alwSmokE" ps. this is the original https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=272
  8. do you use the test mode of the map editor to start the map? if yes -> its normal .. it's some kind of bug, it's like that since mta nightly times.
  9. txd files dont have IDs those numbers are model/object ids you can use "MED" to find out which texture belongs to an object you can use "MED" or mta to find out object id's
  10. v.1.0.4 released: less objects -> better streaming
  11. ya i know and i would love to use it ..but it crashes my gta if im running it with xFire at the same time. D; anyways..if i want good graphics i can still play gta iv.
  12. those enb series screenshoots look awesome, it never looked like that for me though ..i probably got the wrong settings.
  13. SATAN

    MTA SA problem

    try this one http://frog.serverffs.com/gtasapatch.zip
  14. SATAN

    MTA SA problem

    this downgrader doesnt work for all versions, try searching for another downgrader on google
  15. C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\YOURMAP
  16. yar har the pirates are back 8 ) https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=640
  17. lol why so complicated .. easiest way to check the map: 1.make a new folder in your MTA resources folder 2.put the .xml and the .map file in the new folder 3.start mta and open the map editor 4.in the map editor, click the "open" icon in the menu at the top of the screen and chose your map from the list if you don't know where the map is located: (5). click the "element list" icon (also in the menu at the top of the screen) (6). click on one of the elements in the list and you will get teleported to the map
  18. have you tried reinstalling the game/mta? Downgrader Johnline Talidans band, the car should not be used in Georgia to resolve the issue please do not Bando!!!!!!!
  19. Light Version Released (as requested by djlobo): Objects before: 440 Objects now: 305
  20. i feel like im back on samp lol dont have any .. (had one of the fortress but deleted it) but i can make them, but it'll take some time Snowvalley = only 246, so actually not that much Nippon = 440 ..ya this is a bit much Fortress = 381 ..much going to make light versions for nippon and the fortress
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