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Everything posted by eAi

  1. We use Fraps for all our video recording.
  2. I'm afraid we don't condone the use of illegal software. That said, google is your friend
  3. As Jon says, you'll never pay for MTA.
  4. eAi


    You're welcome to suggest and discuss things. At the moment we're fairly clear what feature set we intend to have initially - I don't think this will include the side games, but although they're not anywhere near the top of our todo list, they certainly haven't been ruled out.
  5. Slush, you're not meant to tell them that we're still developing that! Now they know what blue really is
  6. We believe that blue will bring a significant shift in our role in development of the mod. We hoep this will allow other developers to develop whatever they like and reach out to other gaming communities such as RPG.
  7. eAi


    Aeron: doing things like that intentionally is asking to be banned.
  8. Yes, because it was pointless and meant nothing. We haven't a clue when we'll be releasing, so us making up figures about how complete it is, then other people guessing from that an arbitary release date is so innacurate its pointless.
  9. If you searched the forum like you agreed to in the rules, you'll see these: co-op multiplayer? Cooperative play? Coop - no missions Co-op Mode Co-op (human vs computer) Is cooperative possible?? AI with the players Another Idea for MTASA, how about co-op online??? That said, its not ruled out.
  10. Problem with a newsletter, as with any of these things, is its a commitment to produce interesting news... The devleopment of MTA isn't exactly the most exciting thing most people want to read about. Screenshots seem to be popular, but people seem to forget that they're just screenshots of San Andreas. The only way to make them look "exciting" is to add nametags...
  11. Yeah, we realise that. We're intending to remake that page at some point fairly soon to reflect what blue has evolved into since that page was created.
  12. Well done, you've been entered for the bump of the year award!
  13. eAi

    fuck! (bf2)

    Perhaps the 9200 is a low end card and the 8500 is a medium card? A 9800 pro is better than a X300...
  14. Theres some great suggestions there. We can't wait to get blue done so that people can start playing around (and pointing out all our mistakes inevitably) implementing ideas like these! Your mod "Trainer" has already been implemented by us - well, sort of - in a developer mod, which we probably won't release. Anyway, it'll be probably the first thing someone tries to make (like garry's mod for HL2 I supose). I agree that vanilla DM isn't very exciting - thats why I don't play MTA, but thats also why we're trying to make blue super-duper so that I we actually produce somthing that we want to play ourselves, and isn't always "ok, but we could do better!" We hadn't actually thought of choosing teams like you suggest, though its certainly possible (and it'd be more natual, as thats how SA works). Anyway, we're always open to original ideas, hopefully soon there will be lots of other developers open to ideas too. eAi
  15. I think some people aren't aware of the ammount of time it takes just to prepare a release - once the development has complete. The release of 0.5 took over a week to prepare - thats just making installers and sorting out mirrors. Before that we normally spend a month or more beta testing... and before that actual developing. Some people may cosider it all right to release programs that they know don't work - we try as hard as we can to avoid this. We know now that 0.5 has/had many faults, but these were not apparent from the beta testing stage, and as I've previously explained in this thread, they aren't easy to fix.
  16. It'd be up to the mod. Someone could make a mod that allowed you to show or hide yourself on the radar for other players, or just disable the radar entirely. Obviously they could also create teams that could only see their team mates...
  17. Its great that people do these things, can we just avoid using other people's trademarks - e.g. PunkCatcher? Keep up the good work...
  18. [iON]Leviathan: please resize your signature picture so that it is within the sizes set down in the forum rules.
  19. Thats not foolproof. "Getting into" code takes time, swapping over who is developing means that each person needs to work out how everything works and that can takes weeks in the case of a code base as large as ours. Anyway, not everyone has expertise that would allow such a thing to work.
  20. It'll be perfectly possible to sync npcs with MTA/Blue, but it'll be quite hard work to ensure that things are accurate on all clients. Synchronising an entire population would be harder, but not impossible. I think once we release blue's SDK, we'll see quite a few attempts at this and hopefully, we'll see some sucesses too! Bear in mind we may not have all the required components in place for the first SDK release, but its certainly somthing we hope to have.
  21. Locally you wouldn't destroy the ped/actor, remotely you would.
  22. Heres the situation as the team see it: 0.5 is based on the same core that we developed two years ago, compared to blue it is so tottally different that most of the devleopers on the team don't have the knowledge of it to actually continue working on it. We understand that there are some quite serious issues with 0.5, sadly its very hard to find the time (and motivation) to develop on 0.5 as it is such an uphill battle - we'd have to go back and work out how it all works from scratch in many cases. It's inferiority to blue makes it also very demoralising working with it, and incredible hard to debug. I'm not saying that 0.5.5 won't appear, I'm just saying that its going to be really hard work - trx has put a lot of work into the new SCMs for 0.5.5 but sadly theres some issues with these that we can't trace, so we might be forced to go back to 0.5 state and start all over again. As much as we value the community's input into the modifcation (its what keeps us motivated), big decisions like these really have to be made in-team. Its interesting to see that people really want us to delay Blue in favour of a 0.5.x release, but to be honest, I'm not sure which we'd see first. Please, don't take anything I've said here as fact, things change all the time, just be aware, it isn't a simple matter of switching from one game to another, its like Microsoft going back and making service packs for windows 3.1 (well, almost!). E
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