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Everything posted by eAi

  1. eAi


    Type info race in the console and see what it says.
  2. I think people are misunderstanding. The version on the main page should be updated, yes. I'm not sure when we'll get around to it though. People may be unaware that there are actually multiple versions of 1.0.4, and the version on the main page was the initial release. Since it's release there have been a few releases that have fixed bugs, crashes and performance issues and added a few minor features. These releases are not nightly builds.
  3. eAi

    Map Editor Problem

    Have you got a joystick or controller plugged in?
  4. What about placing text by adding them to a map file? That seems an obvious feature.
  5. You may be able to save a minidump of the process when that error appears. This page explains how: http://www.cakewalk.com/support/kb/read ... 2007013196 You want to create a dump of gta-sa.exe (not Multi Theft Auto.exe). Once you've got a dump, link to it here and someone who has the symbols for the version of MTA you're using can have a look at it.
  6. eAi

    Just a question

    Cunningly hidden on the lua website under Downloads: http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net/download.html
  7. You've written 7 scripts yet don't know how to write a meta.xml?
  8. Well, if it isn't hard, just do it?
  9. Undo systems are notoriously hard to get right... Things that are hard are things like creating and destroying things. I'm sure there are articles about this on the web.
  10. Don't go removing your original post like that. Leaving it there is helpful to other users.
  11. eAi

    VBS '05

    Well, make it and if it's any good, we'll give it our blessing. If it's really great, maybe we'll distribute it with MTA.
  12. Actually, variables like 'source' are globals in Lua, so if you did source = getLocalPlayer() at the top of your script, that variable would get overwritten by the source variable the first time an event it triggered.
  13. The admin resource doesn't have access to aclSetRight. Make sure it's in the Admin group in acl.xml.
  14. eAi

    Scripting Water

    The XML syntax is for map files, so needs to be in a map file, not your meta.xml.
  15. eAi

    1.00 Cracked/NoCd EXE

    I've merged your four topics on the same thing together. Please don't keep making them.
  16. You shouldn't specify an IP in your config file except in very exceptional circumstances (you have more than one network card in your computer). That way MTA will always listen on your current IP address.
  17. eAi

    Cleo mods

    Cleo is for client-side scripting, there's nothing a server could do with it. If we allowed servers to put cleo dlls into clients we'd end up with people putting viruses on to our user's computers. We'll never support running arbitrary binary code on clients.
  18. eAi

    Cleo mods

    We could theoretically support a subset of cleo mods, but it'd be a lot of work for nothing.
  19. Nice. Unrelated suggestion for someone - a random race map generator. Lets you pick a difficulty (how sharp corners are etc?) and maybe has some themes (i.e. object types to use) and it then places objects along a randomly generated spline. Bonus points for joining up with the GTA world First person to make that gets a cookie (and a post on the Facebook page, i.e. fame!)
  20. If A is a dependency of B in meta.xml, it won't start until A has started.
  21. eAi

    Adding cmd.

    ... with hasObjectPermissionTo. (Removed your incorrect suggestion Solidsnake14!)
  22. eAi

    Transfering Account data

    Well, use the script functions that deal with accounts.
  23. Well, to load it client side, you need to send the client what you want to load... Which is basically what map files do. We can send map files to clients far faster than a script full of createObject calls (maybe 4x less data?) Also, use a script with createObject calls and anyone can copy your map (if you care about such things)... So, yes, map files are far better than a client-side script full of createObject calls.
  24. Maps are slightly more optimal than using createObject as all the elements created with a map are sent in a single packet, whereas each createObject is a separate packet (though raknet merges them together). I repeatedly recommend people use map files. Superficially for this reason, but also because it's how MTA is designed - map files are a better solution than using scripts. It's like HTML vs Javascript - both have their uses, but the body of a page should be written in HTML, with the decoration in Javascript. The same applies to MTA. Also, maps in map files can be edited with map editors.
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