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Everything posted by eAi

  1. eAi

    Blips in .lua

    Did the error just say "Error" or did it say something more specific that might indicate what the problem was?
  2. eAi

    Race resource

    type "info race" (without quotes) in the server console and see what it says.
  3. When it says IP address, it means IP address. kadio.no-ip.info is not an IP address. Leave the setting blank and it'll probably do what you want. That said, you may have problems running with a dynamic IP address that frequently changes as people will find it hard to find your server (as it needs to be online from the same IP for 24 hours to appear in the server list, and people won't be able to favourite it). But then, you've probably not got a good enough net connection anyway.
  4. You can use the global 'user' variable. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/HttpRequestLogin has som information on this.
  5. eAi

    Blips in .lua

    Or add them to a map file? It's faster, uses less bandwidth, neater and how it's meant to be done. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Blip
  6. eAi


    Passing rootElement as the first argument for setVehicleColor should work.
  7. Find which resource implements it. Or use the ACL to restrict it. What does it do?
  8. Or just attach it to the player?
  9. ... but you'll be able to achieve much more interesting things with the PHP SDK.
  10. Should all your files be called - Copy.png? Have you tried just uploading Speedometer.zip to your resources directory? Resources don't need to be unziped.
  11. It's good advertising for MTA
  12. No, though one may be added for 1.1.
  13. Looks good. I recommend putting the code online on google code or github or similar. That'll make it easier for people to contribute.
  14. You need to start it, using the 'start' command in the server, i.e.: start speedometer
  15. That should work though, so please report it as a bug.
  16. eAi

    Adding plugins.

    If you can't find it on community, you probably have to write your own... Or pay someone else to do it for you
  17. You need to make sure the http port, specified in your server configuration is forwarded and accessible.
  18. eAi

    Can't download!

    You don't need to open GTA:SA first, no. Try downloading one of the nightly versions from https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ (under 1.0.4, Windows). There have been some fixes since the version you probably downloaded was released.
  19. eAi

    Race pickups bug

    Make sure you've got the latest race version. EDF is only for the editor, it doesn't affect the game itself.
  20. eAi

    Can't download!

    The download link works fine here, it may have been some temporary problem. Yes, you need version 1.0 of San Andreas. I suggest you download it and play on a few servers to get an idea of how it works, that's easier than us trying to explain.
  21. But system restore restores system files, not user files.
  22. So, make a big radar area using multiple smaller ones?
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