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Everything posted by Zango

  1. Zango

    very annoying bug

    Can you post a dxdiag log?
  2. Zango

    Name of a resource

    Clicky clicky
  3. Since there is no freeroam setting to do this, you can go into fr_client.lua and remove/comment the content of function updatePlayerBlips function updatePlayerBlips() end
  4. addCommandHandler on "kick" is blocked unless the calling player has access to command.kick in acl.xml Assign people access to it or remove it from acl.xml
  5. I think what he's talking about is a way to create a variable server-side and have it available client-side too. I think the easiest way to do this would be using a small triggerClientEvent, even though you want to avoid it. -- client addEvent ('createClientVariable', true) addEventHandler ('createClientVariable', root, function (arg, val) _G[arg] = val end ) -- server function createGlobalArgument (arg, val) _G[arg] = val triggerClientEvent (root, 'createClientVariable', root, arg, val) end
  6. Zango

    Friendly Fire

    Oh you want to enable friendly fire for all teams? addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () local allTeams = getElementsByType ( "team" ) for index, theTeam in ipairs(allTeams) do setTeamFriendlyFire ( theTeam, true ) end end)
  7. Zango

    Friendly Fire

    Could it be the teams are not created prior to this?
  8. Zango

    Admins Spawn

    onPlayerLogin returns account thePreviousAccount, account theCurrentAccount, bool autoLogin and source as player element. Also you have adminspawn in your addEventHandler, and the function name adminSpawn which doesn't work because LUA is case-sensitive You have an extra comma at line 6 in spawnPlayer too, which is not needed for last arguments. But you got a missing one at line 10 in addEventHandler Its getRootElement() (but use 'root') btw how about this: function adminSpawn (_, acc) local accountName = getAccountName(acc) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then spawnPlayer (source, 218, 1867, 13, 0, math.random (211,217), 0, 0 ) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, adminSpawn)
  9. In your website you state "250 slots" for "£150.00" semi-annually, however when I proceed to the ordering form it now says "£225.00" semi-annually. Can you help me? I didn't consider that ideal, but maybe you can shed some light on it, or I did something wrong.
  10. If I buy a 250 slot MTA server I get what? MTA 1.1 or 1.0.5? Or is it MTA 0.5?
  11. Zango


    Try installing MTA San Andreas to a new directory.
  12. Zango


    Try and install MTA San Andreas to a brand new dir.
  13. Zango

    Accounts.xml file

    Using the Account functions? Accounts are stored in internal.db per 1.0.4, you need a database viewer to open it up.
  14. I added a request on mantis for it a while ago: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=5770 I don't think you'll see this feature in 1.1
  15. I believe you need the libmysql.dll module for mta_mysql.dll to work (place it in modules and add it onto mtaserver.conf)
  16. Please post the contents of mtaserver.conf
  17. The latest release of 1.0.5 has incredible performance updates. I get 50FPS in a race server, where I usually get ~ 30 - 35. With this addition, 1.0.5 is the far best release in the 1.0.x series for me, both feature and performance wise.
  18. To a certain extent you are right, even though your post seems a bit aggressive. MTA 1.0.2 was indeed the most stable version for me too, and it's gone down-hill FPS-wise from there. I haven't received any major issues in 1.0.4+ yet, except the FPS does swing a bit, and indeed this is getting worse in 1.1 (but keep in mind 1.1 is still an unstable build) The latest performance problem was fixed shortly, and so I believe these fps problems will disappear eventually. I think it's wrong to say MTA died or 1.0.5 is the worst release. 1.0.5 has it's constrains, like 1.0.3 had it's constrains. If you compare these two, 1.0.3 you could cheat and ban evade, in 1.0.5 you can barely either but you have small FPS struggle. MTA is being actively developed, if we all help troubleshoot the origin of these performance impacts, I'm sure it'll be fixed. Can you be a bit more specific? 1.0.5 on Linux is fine for me. Recently, at DKR at least, we've found that the admin resource is extremely demanding during 80+ player counts. Our server would completely freeze up, until now we've stopped it. (We think it's maybe got something to do with the element data events) I think on the big scale the admin resource should be seriously optimised, or rewritten to serve as a more lightweight admin resource. I don't follow you on the map editor complaint though. 1.0.5 without any players is the same as 1.0.2 for me.
  19. It is due to the magic characters in LUA: ( ) . % + - * ? [ ^ $ These characters have special meanings when used, and they change your string Cadu12's method works because he escapes the magic character - in your tag, by using %. For string.find, you can set the fourth argument to true and it will disregard string magic
  20. You could put the coordinates in a table in a table, for example: local coordsTable = { {0, 0, 3}, {1, 1, 3}, {2, 2, 3} } function getRandomCoord () return unpack (coordsTable[math.random (#coordsTable)]) end you can then call getRandomCoord for the random xyz coordinate.
  21. I've never heard of this username/display name separation in phpbb. I might be wrong though, not much into it. At least when I've changed a persons username from ACP it affected his display name too. I've never seen a field specifically for display name, so for me it'd only make sense if the display name was the username.
  22. MTA scripting is based on LUA, yes. Reference manual here, and the scripting introduction here. Once you've understood both, it won't be hard to perform edits like these yourself. However I'll help you on this task in case you're not interested in learning LUA. Before you edit LUA files, I strongly recommend using a source code editor like Notepad++ with LUA syntax highlighting. What I said in my first post with playerspawn.lua is wrong, I thought the camera would sync with the player position on start, but there's a separate value for that. 1) Open editor_main 2) Go into client -> main.lua 3) Alter line 50 to fit your needs. 4) Retrieve a position by typing /getpos while freeroam is running. Fit the values in there. 5) For example, to start at SF airport: local START_X, START_Y, START_Z = -1361, -114, 608 If you're working on a zip archive, remember to update the files. Good luck sidenote: might wanna move this into the scripting section
  23. Zango

    MTA fps bug

    It seems there's a rare issue with some chipsets where the CPU idles during MTA. Try installing a windows sidebar widget where you can change your windows power profile on-the-fly, so you can set it to "high" for gaming and "low" for idling. I suggest you either find a widget like this, or you can change your settings in "Power Managment" in the Control Panel. Please report back if this works
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