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Everything posted by Zango

  1. Så vidt jeg ved, findes der ingen servere med Dansk/Norsk/Svensk som primært sprog. Serveren som jeg er hos (DKR Freeroam) er vi dog et par danskere. Du kunne starte en skandinavisk server
  2. First off, there's no need to keep this stuff public. Secondly, to answer your question, we spoke a week ago and it got solved.
  3. Zango

    Offical Balkan MTA

    A balkan site/forum will not be officially condoned by MTA, unless their team members are watching it. This is solely to keep things consistent. In order to sustain the integrity of this community one needs to verify what is said on behalf of the mod, is legitimate. In order to solve this issue, the Other Languages section was introduced. The forums are moderated by 'Multi Lingual Moderators' which are picked by existing MTA team members. Basically, should the MTA team decide to let third party sites represent themselves, they would simply spend too much time overlooking them. Instead you can request a language section in Other Languages, the Russian section is already going great for example. Should you still feel the Balkan people need a site separated from this one, you are free to create one. It would however help make the community less incoherent if you chose a language section instead.
  4. It has for us, the more players, the more data needs handling. Especially since players tend to clump up. Anyway it's a matter of scripts.
  5. I put it down because the website looked terrible. Website programming is a pain in the ass for me (as I don't know shit about it). I suppose I will get around to finishing it, sometime.
  6. Zango

    IRC Help, please?

    go to irc.gtanet.com: /join #CoolRPGServer - voila!
  7. Our server running at 130 players take around 200 - 300MB RAM. Unless he runs some pretty heavy scripts I doubt it's going to be 300. More like 100. I wouldn't recommend running more than one server on 256MB anyway (specially on VPS). How much more is a 512MB VPS?
  8. Zango

    Wtf ?

    There are no slot restrictions for 1.1
  9. That's the server, ChaseOquinn. Wine should work with MTA, afaik it has almost always done in the past. Did this happen just now, or has it never worked for you? You can try an earlier version of MTA.
  10. Seems like resource "editor" is corrupted or you've removed it. Get the latest 1.1 resources from here and place them all (overwriting) in /server/mods/deathmatch/resources/
  11. Zango

    Skin change

    On hit: skin = not skin skin false = some skin skin true = some other skin just one method. probably kinda weird but just to demonstrative a way to toggle in LUA. why not just something like if (getElementModel(player) == skinA) then setElementModel(player, skinB) else setElementModel(player, skinA) end
  12. Zango


    Answer was to be found in the identical thread you posted: viewtopic.php?f=105&t=34380 Usually it isn't necessary to create two topics around the same question. If you feel like you posted in the wrong section, you can report your own topic and request it moved for example.
  13. Zango


    Depends on what server you're playing on, but sometimes it's /blur. If you host the server, you can script a command to toggle it using setBlurLevel
  14. Zango

    Internet lag!

    processor drivers? D: I don't know what OS you run, but if it's Vista/7 1 gigabyte RAM isn't sufficient to run MTA alongside. Also your processor is too slow to handle GTASA at a nice framerate, you should know that from singleplayer.
  15. SDK's right, it's only for command handlers you added yourself. I can't really see any use in this function. Sure you can open the debug for someone, but why?
  16. They most likely will come back online sometime within the next week. We had similar back in 2009, when we were reaching tops everyday, a person known as 'Street' did the same to our server. Including my home connection. Also if one makes enough calls within some time frame to something as basic as /flip in freeroam it will go insane. (/register from admin is nasty too) Implement antispam before it's too late. Seriously. Call a handler resource on each command, and it will kick the player if its all within a certain time threshold. There are various methods to avoid or counter attacks like the ones CIT are experiencing currently (Distributed DoS I reckon). If your server is having an increase in counts it's a good idea to invest some time into these sorts of stuff. It pays in the long run if it should happen, or if it has happened like for us.
  17. Their server is undergoing botnet attacks. You have to wait until they're solved out. Their website, IRC and server are all down.
  18. We wrote an obfuscator for LUA once at DKR. It was never implemented in praxis though, seems like lost effort when it's only code we can protect. Most people nail the models. If you want, I can probably pull out some details. Obfuscation doesn't make it impossible, but depending on the technique very hard and time consuming to reverse engineer the script.
  19. Zango

    How to block cheats?

    Anyone can type in /cv X.X and it'll parse the restricted vehicles list. Force a hole number before using server.giveMeVehicles
  20. yeah it removes a number of components from NRG-500, the wheels, seat and more.
  21. Yeah it's possible in 1.1 -> you can parse an URL to playSound and playSound3D. For the server I'm working on we're opening a radio station for 1.1 too. You can use the function getSoundMetaTags to retrieve song data and display if you wish.
  22. Yeah you can find some pretty sweet ones already, but with the RGB selection you can find them all and more.
  23. I made one using his colour picker some time ago, it's working good. I was planning on adding a video about it. Good work XX3
  24. Zango


    Nope, there isn't, not natively. There's been a few attempts at doing this, the "traffic" resource for one (which has been taken down). It's doable by scripting, but no-one's given it a try recently. It's a huge project, but will be greatly used.
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