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Everything posted by Zango

  1. local x, y = guiGetScreenSize () local guiWidth, guiHeight = 500, 400 local centerX, centerY = (x / 2) - (guiWidth / 2), (y / 2) - (guiHeight / 2) this is pretty elementary lol, you get the half of the screen total width, and subtract it with the half of the guiWidth. If we didn't do the latter, the GUI's top left corner would be the centre instead.
  2. If you define VehicleInfo outside any function scope, and afterwards insert entries they won't be "hidden" or only available in the for loop. I might misunderstand you though, please post some code if possible
  3. just place it outside the function? ie VehicleInfo = {} function titties (tit) VehicleInfo[tit] = {} end
  4. table index is nil > VehicleInfo[idx][VehID] = row[1]
  5. Zango


    look in settings.xml
  6. lol? No they just make it so it says "rolls the windows down" or "rolls the windows up" Sorry, I understood that as the window rolls (physical movement) down and not a message telling you they've been rolled down
  7. There isn't such function, they might import a modified version of the vehicle with the windows missing and scripting it themselves or something.
  8. Denmark Sweden and Norway have now agreed upon this!
  9. no it isn't possible I think, mine has always turned off Aero. What do you need it for, though?
  10. Zango


    can you post more code? need to see context of that
  11. If player's cash isn't 0 and the result differentiates from the serverside one, then yes?
  12. I don't think there's any application to remotely control an MTA server, instead a web-based type of remote control is provided using a web panel you can access if you start resource 'webadmin' and go to serverip:port in your browser, logging in with an admin account.
  13. I ran a default copy of your IRC resource with ml_sockets installed on a 32 bit Debian 5, it said "startup of resource irc cancelled by script" I assume it's something with the module because it's the same thing that happens without module installed.
  14. actually, the module doesn't fail because of 64bit, it just seems to fail on Linux. I can run a script that works on the Windows version of the module but not on the Linux one
  15. mysql works fine, however ml_sockets doesn't
  16. attachElementToElement is deprecated and doesn't support sounds, use attachElements > https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AttachElements
  17. is there a compatibility issue with module (ml_sockets) for Linux on 64 bit? I ought it wouldn't make a difference, our first module we tried would load but hang the server completely, ml_sockets loads but nothing more.
  18. install a clean version of GTA San Andreas to see if it helps. If you're not bothered, did you install anything onto your GTA San Andreas installation except MTA, and is your GTA San Andreas a retail copy?
  19. I don't think you can replace the dff or txd of the jetpack
  20. can you share additional details on this? What is it exactly you want? Replace it's texture? Remove it? Make it something else?
  21. Zango


    I found one from SHOUTcast listing, "rautemusik.fm" http://christmas-high.rautemusik.fm/listen.pls addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function () playSound('http://christmas-high.rautemusik.fm/listen.pls', true, false) end) if I remember correctly
  22. Zango


    Playlists need to contain links to actual media, either it be remote or local, not other playlists. SHOUTcast radio hosting or similar, it provides a playlist file linking to the stream content, which I have tested and it works in MTA 1.1
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