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Everything posted by Zango

  1. Compiling code will improve performance in LUA
  2. can you post an example screenshot when you've done this?
  3. what a dodgy reply, everyone could answer the same and "learn c++ if you want that" look up "suggest" on dictionary
  4. Zango

    2 * 2 ~= 4

    its prob just lua number inaccuracy, some programming languages are worse like javascript
  5. How much does your FPS drop? And does this happen in singleplayer/empty server ?
  6. Zango

    Help MTA

    I think your best shot is to check for ACL group in function
  7. Zango

    Your Infernus

    that pedofernus had bugs at the bonnet though?
  8. prob 300MB RAM available, if your server tops 128
  9. rather put it on onPlayerSpawn because it might give him a weapon before he has spawned, and I don't know whether it works then. so like > onPlayerJoin add event onPlayerSpawn and remove when triggered
  10. Zango

    Server list spam

    "Makes the server more visible", tell me, if everyone made their server more visible using your method what happens? The search feature of the server browser broke. When someone searches for "valhalla" or "dkr", what do you think they search for? Exciting new servers or existing ones? Your non-unique tag issue isn't really an excuse to do this, you picked your own tag and you can change it too. Kind of lol you spend other peoples tags in your servername to populate your server, while you do not realise what you do towards other servers - the same thing that happens to you. Now that's something that makes me cringe. It's good to see some change though, good work.
  11. are you talking about the IRC resource?
  12. LMFAO the top one looks super retarded but the niko one is cool ped dff replacement for MTA is a requested feature. I doubt it's impossible to do and will be implemented sometime. and if I'm not mistaken, you can download GamerX's img file off that website. We could practically do the same, but for people who haven't downloaded it can't be participating the fun. It seems a bit overkill to redownload their entire gta3.img everytime they add a new update.
  13. what is cor2.rar? That's his old website, use this one: http://mta.dzek.eu/
  14. Zango

    Missing Textures

    what brand is your graphics card? Intel Express Chipset 4?
  15. For all sounds except the mission audio: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/PlaySoundFrontEnd there was once a function to play mission audio, but it was disabled in 1.1 you could stream the mission audio instead
  16. maybe it was attempt to solve problem "gaming on vista sucks" in 7
  17. Zango

    help needed

    I think the sniper precision varies, it usually only takes me 3 shots to waste someone with the sniper, when they're not miles gone. you can script your own auto aim if you want
  18. I'd suggest you to post that link in the Portuguese language forum
  19. Zango

    what is mean?

    Peds dff report is here, I don't think it's going to be implemented any time soon
  20. what exactly fails? Get official precompiled packages at linux.multitheftauto.com if the MTA server fails to start because of "virtual memory" or "too much CPU" I think I can't help you just download the binary, it's config and resource files, upload them to your server and start mta-server to build an MTASA server yourself: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Bui ... _GNU_Linux
  21. I think what refreshResources does is loading/unloading resources which are added/removed or changed. It doesn't affect running resources as refreshall does Sounds to me like you simply need to restart the resource? Based on your example you edit something in a script, and want it refreshed
  22. oh well, I submitted a feature report on it, I wouldn't like it added on the 1.1 issues though, progress has been descended by new issues enough now
  23. Zango

    Help needed LUA

    that line is the forum formatting's fault, its this: local team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(playerSource))
  24. The feature to import ped models isn't on the to-do list of 1.1, I don't there's even a feature report on it.
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