He has mods, but it doesn't matter; other users have the same crash. It's most likely an MTA bug and we're looking into it - no need to troubleshoot further until we have a definitive answer.
Heh, strange. The DirectX check is rather lousy, all it does is check for WINDOWS\system32\D3DX9_43.dll, but I don't know why yours would have disappeared between the two times you ran MTADiag, if it even did disappear.
Also, if you could, try a vanilla install of GTA:SA with no modifications to see if the crash still occurs. It'll take a bit of time to work out this crash; it seems that it's being caused by GTA deleting an object without MTA's permission.
Please install the following:
Audio driver
Wireless driver
Card reader driver
Provide another MTADiag log after installing.
We're looking into the crash, more info later.
If there is nothing else listed under AMD or ATI, that should be all you need to uninstall. If the drivers still won't install, reinstall Windows - it's fairly obvious that there are other underlying issues at that point.
That isn't a good sign if wmic is also not returning results.
Uninstall all video drivers (uninstall AMD Catalyst Install Manager in the Programs and Features window) and reinstall this driver; this might solve your issues.
It is most likely hanging when running dxdiag. This is caused by dxdiag not being able to query video adapter information properly.
Please click Start -> type cmd -> press Enter -> type wmic Path Win32_VideoController Get -> press Enter and copy the result here.
Are you running MTADiag as an Administrator? Is MTA still installed?
I know I already suggested something very similar, but install these specific DirectX runtimes. Your DirectX seems to have some problems that the installer I previously linked might not correct. Try providing another dxdiag log after installing these runtimes.
Extract it to a new folder on the desktop, then run dxsetup.exe.
Also install the following:
Graphics driver
Audio driver
Latest patch of MTA:SA
Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
Which operating system are you running? Is that the entire dxdiag log? There should be more information above the beginning of what you posted.
Please install the latest DirectX runtimes.
Strange. Try this instead: Press the Windows key + R, type dxdiag, press Enter, click Save all information... and post the contents of the saved log here within Code tags.