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Everything posted by zerb

  1. zerb

    New DM head pics

    How would this actually function or operate. I understand what you mean but i dont know how it would actually _work_. Personalised features would be a good implement into the progression of how far the developers can create within the new core, though i wouldnt have personalised heads. Clothes would be interesting because they would be more reckonised then heads for example.
  2. Did the guy have the " () " brackets around the TERMINATOR[NL] or was his name just in capitals. It could possibly just be someone trying to play a joke on yourself and make you look stupid, which is pathetic.
  3. Similar experiences like that can be quite common, getting your vehicle stuck between objects or on platforms with little space of freedom. I suppose the guy either got knocked onto that platform or just smashed his boat onto the side woodwork.
  4. The screenshots look fine, i dont see any reason why they cannot be good or not interesting. Though my final judgements would depend on how much i enjoyed a map by playing it.
  5. I would have to agree with you Brophy. Theres like an odds and evens situation at that point, most of these small independant clans would only last for a matter of short days which are being controlled or managed by inmature people. Constant complaining and pathetic excuses is very annoying to hear even on mta alone. The other half would be more clans being formed and developed by people who want to make something within the community and play something that they all love. That would be some increase of maturity and new faces to meet, aswell as a new experience towards future activites. Likewise. Every now and again when i have some free time to myself i usually play some of the old classic games including GTA and GTA2. Hearing the " Grand Theft Auto 1 " tune right at the beginning of the game, then heading towards those orange people, which still today i have no idea who they actually are, leading them onto the railway tracks and continuing my slaughtering in the nearby park. These memories i will never forget.
  6. Ha, i do remember for the smallest memories actually playing that game on the old Atari ST, which was obviously my fathers back then. Low commerical interest on that game died out quite quickly towards the Sega CD released. The game also had a brief spell on some of my local computer stores, however that population of the PS2 died out very quickly with small interest from the public.
  7. Ha, well that did come across to me after i got a few short seconds of moaning teenagers spelling abusive things to me in the chatbox. ahh, the beautiful mod.
  8. I had the same problem also mate, aswell as another guy who had a thread about your problem. I cleaned my old disc using those wipes you can normally get from your local gaming shop, however in the end it forced myself another £20 out of my wallet. Yours could be different depending on how damaged your disc actually is. Programs such as Alcohol 120% just didnt respond either.
  9. Just some certain things which you should have read if you want to know the exact process of development. I pesume the next question is going to be.
  10. Mine arent funny but they bring back some laughter for myself. 1. Some guys who were beginners i pesume, were all standing by the ocean, i cant remember the exact location on the map but it was on the second island on vice city. They were having a conversation about how MTA works and what new features there are available on the mod. I gathered about 4-5 of the servers owners friends and i told them on MTA you can swim. So i said lets all go for a swim to the other island, they all jumped in and died so i got banned of the server. 2. Clanwar situations i find are always a laugh, espically if someone throws a genade the wrong way or everyone runs into the same explosion including myself etc. 3. One example would be seeing the Hunter vehicle actually being shown on my screen as a Mr.Whoopee, hovering over my head. This is another example of how clanwars just become so ironic at times.
  11. zerb

    game crashing

    If this is for _0.5_ then try reinstalling the modification and while its installing, wait for the menu to chose your files you want installed, untick the error reporter. If im on the right solution
  12. zerb

    2 ideas for DM

    The impact with a shotgun would be quite efficent, espically if you hit the opponent quite accurate anywhere on their body. Sometimes you see in movies similar events taking place on the highway with people leaning out of their windows, firing ammunition at the other vehicles, like the shotgun etc. Featuring that effect would be interesting to play with.
  13. zerb


  14. zerb

    how do i play online

    The lack of knowledge to do the simplest action or time to read any manual provided.
  15. zerb

    how do i play online

    You do need the actual game to play this modification, some people in the past have thought it automatically plays through the mod without the game being installed. Just a note.
  16. zerb

    MTA: VC

    Most servers have running scripts which players on the server can play around on. There are hundreds of commands available to use and all have different meanings or actions. For example the !loc is the location command. Players can find information on where another player is on the map or where you are yourself. !bank is a command for mostly addon scripts for RPG gameplay. Money received from doing jobs can be collected and used to purchase buildings etc. The scripts however dont effect any gameplay experience so you can still fight and whatever you wish, not all servers have scripts running. Some servers are just for RPG gameplay which is really not for anyone looking for a fight. Ankeborg's server is the most populated server for RPG play. The addon section of these forums has a number of scripts for example which players can download and use for their server.
  17. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=15151&start=0 Could possibly be some help?
  18. Theres no need for the usage of the constant capitals. In future people will just ignore your thread and wont bother with the help. Try this or follow this process which i hope helps you. - Remove MTA of your computer then remove VC - Install VC - Download the v1.1 patch and install it. - Play in single player for a few short minutes. - Install MTA - Open your Client then go to the " Options " tab and set your VC version to 1.1 - Go to any server and try to play.
  19. zerb

    MTA: VC

    I just want to add some other information which might interest you or help yourself in another way. - Auto Aim is obviously not available, you probably already know this. - Spacebar is to jump, just like single player. (You cannot jump with genades or the stubby shotgun) - 0.5 has its own " Stunt Mode " aswell as " Deathmatch Mode ". The servers names indicate what the server mode is and other details. - In Stuntmode you can use the nitro power for the remote cars by using the Shift key. Recharging the bar takes a few seconds. Basically most skills and controls are exactly the same as single player.
  20. zerb

    MTA: VC

    http://www.mtavc.com/dl-archive.php 0.5 servers are still quite common to play around on. Other previous versions can be played on but the limited number of players on those servers are very short.
  21. zerb

    2 ideas for DM

    Not unless you need some health restored. Example as in a clanwar, give your mate a smooch of the lips and the bar would increase about 5-10%. Seriously dont listen. ;p
  22. zerb

    ideas fo mta:sa dm

    Probably because of your punctuation of how you wrote your text. The idea has been mentioned throughout the forums more then once, the outcome of that suggestion in previous threads i dont know. The screenshots which are shown throughout the blog might have some clue perhaps.
  23. GTA3. Reason being? Most notably when ever i here the music being played. The combination between the gameplay and the opening music i feel reflects well.
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