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Everything posted by zerb

  1. Alternatively you could bring back some other skins back from the original GTA3 version, if possible. The skins for the gangs such as the mafia, yardies, cartels could possbily be implemented through the SDK.
  2. Thats quite obvious, just neat to see it advertised on such that specific website, eh.
  3. zerb

    Burn Baby Burn

    I have finally released my first map to the public, i found some spare time so i decided to sit down and try to create something nice and simple to begin with. Download - http://center.mtasa.com/?p=race&r=6018 The following are a few screenshots from my map. The race is quite basic to complete and has nothing challenging to beat, apart from the other 31 racers you might be up against.
  4. The guy holding the weapon above is for some reason is in the top left hand corner of the sky sports offical homepage. http://home.skysports.com/home/ - I only just recently checked the page to look at the latest premiership scores (around about 16GMT), then i noticed the guy who looked familiar elsewhere throughout the web, reminded myself that it was the person who looks to be featured in the up and coming release of the VCS game.
  5. A. Poor australian. Q. What shall we do now?
  6. zerb

    Tug-Z (DD-map)

    If you made the map hold 32 players or slightly less and included a few nitro features, the map certainly would be more impressive.
  7. zerb

    Lol, Haxor

    Hehe, quality. =p
  8. Its not a big deal but it just makes more sense if appropriately correct, though this website can be viewed from all over the globe, at least the message was typed in english unlike what we have seen before around the forums.
  9. Sounds quite interesting, if it was worked out correctly it would be a neat addition if featured.
  10. zerb

    Tug-Z (DD-map)

    One server had this map on earlyer, it turned out to be quite good with all the barrels and everyone smashing into each other, i didnt survive long. The last screenshot shows exactly the centre of where the fun part began to erupt because everyone collided at one specific area.
  11. A. Find it yourself Q. Should he find it himself?
  12. The team quite obviously might create a tutorial to begin with, showing the basic's of how to develop a few examples of their creations. I wouldnt expect the program to be impossible for even the very unexperienced to cope with, though having some ability of understanding programming might as well be useful to get learning perhaps.
  13. I agree with the other two comments to begin with, it wasn't a bad video and even though the flips were ok, it was just a fair video in my opinion.
  14. Whats going on in the world these days, eh.
  15. Known issues thread - http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=11098 might have some solutions to help you if you havent already looked. Do you have the patch installed and a legal copy of the game?
  16. I think i got a slight understanding of what you are trying to mention, however i cant come up with the right meaning for a conclusion, unless anyone else can identify this.
  17. zerb


    You could just simply set up a server, gather a few members, plan the events, record, easy. You could most probably do something similar within the 0.5 version of DM, though i suppose this is more aimed for the release of the future DM for SA anyway.
  18. The review that was published in the national newspaper of my country shows a positive remark about this film and i became more interested through reading the article that i might go and see it for myself. The article described about the ways the offensive remarks towards certain subjects is just plain comedy, wheather or not this is true, we shall see. Certain parts i feel were humorous for only that specific second but the whole movie wasn't great.
  19. I've experienced other problems before on the PS2 console in that specific category but not the comment you have stated.
  20. zerb

    Destruction water

    Looks good, quite different and nicely created.
  21. zerb

    hey y no gd game

    It all depends on the development, if there are certain setbacks then it haults the progress slightly, which then stops the modification being released any time sooner then what was originally expected.
  22. zerb

    TS - ROT

    [quote name=>SoL
  23. zerb

    hey y no gd game

    Either check the homepage or forums, the news will quite quickly spread around the community anyway.
  24. Paul, you have ruined christmas, you deserved to be repeatedly slapped by everyone of those children. ;p
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