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Everything posted by zerb

  1. GTA2 Multiplayer has been out for ages
  2. Does it really matter who won, The argument about who won dosnt need to be made public really.
  3. 0.1b Bug Fixes: > Deathmatch games now count scores correctly and don't issue team deaths > Fixed ammo allocation issue when slot 0 is non-melee type > Class line Z rotation is now used > Players cannot inject color codes into their nicks > Players cannot exit world bounds > Fixed Z plane syncing issue which caused some vehicles to jitter
  4. zerb

    MTA Allstars (A)

    Welcome guys, btw nice wins.
  5. zerb

    New Stunt Video :: GTA3.

    Its alright, Wasnt the best.
  6. MTA says you have a trainer but you don't. Try closing every other open window first. If that doesn't work, try uninstalling, then reinstalling MTA 0.5 again. It has also been reported that changing game version from 1.0 to 1.1 (vice city) can fix this, though we're not sure why - we're looking into it. Further Update: All the error reports that have come in about this are using Vice City 1.0. Try updating to 1.1, if this _doesn't_ work, contact me. This is from Known Issues.
  7. zerb

    Help please

    Reset Game Path, Clicking on that helps and make sure you have played VC or GTA3 before playing MTA.
  8. zerb


    Any further problems in 0.5 check the known issues if you already havent.
  9. Check out the known issues then for 0.5, It can be found under the Help section.
  10. zerb

    MTA Allstars (A)

    Eh, Since we have only losed to FMJ apart from that i dont think the team have lost a match really
  11. zerb


    Pedestrians would just constantly get in the way and be quite annoying at times, Knocking you off the road, Jacking your car etc. All sounds good when you think about it but though i think if it would be possible it wouldnt be as good as suspected.
  12. zerb

    cops 'N' robbers

    I like the overall suggestion of Cops and Robbers since even the script version was fun. Seeing the script turned into a mode would be great, Certain gangs (clans) could be the robbers while the other gang could be the cops, Scores added up at the end to see what gang accomplished their mission.
  13. zerb


    Nice. Looking forward to the next version
  14. You asking how he took a picture of his desktop?
  15. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=11098
  16. zerb

    Funny Story

    eh, its alright
  17. A public argument between both clans is just going to make the situation worse, Complaining about each other on here is not going to make no difference.
  18. Read the known issues thread as this question has been mentioned many times, Your answer is in that thread.
  19. English its wrote in. Different servers are located in different countrys of the world so like dutch servers will speak dutch while french servers may speak french etc.
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