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Everything posted by Bonsai

  1. The radar is not supposed to work without the rest of the script. So, if you wanna use it somewhere else, you would have to edit some lines.
  2. You should start using english language. That way you will be able to address much more people.
  3. I don't think you will get support here with such stuff.
  4. Well you only have Lua and only the commands known from wiki.
  5. Hey Peeps, some time ago I made a little custom chatbox. Right now I'm trying to fix some minor things. One of those are commands. As far as I know, clientside commands are nothing to worry about. It should work fine just executing. Serverside commands are complicated cause there is a custom acl system involved. Hardcoded commands, such as /bind, only work in console, since you can't execute them as it seems. I just wonder if there is a way to make them work in a custom chatbox either. Bonsai
  6. You are creating the elements on every click. You are also not checking which button was pressed. Just check the wiki for examples.
  7. Bonsai


    Question is why you want to do that. If its uncompiled you could just edit it. If its not, then its probably not that cool to block outputs, such as credits. But you could just add a function to the resource that you want to block and overwrite the "outputChatBox" function.
  8. As soon as possible? This is ridiculous. What you mean?
  9. It couldn't be easier.. You will figure it out yourself. Unless its a bug, but since no one else complained about that...
  10. You probably named the maps wrong, or didn't /refresh and /reloadmaps or restart the whole thing. I don't remember how the maps had to be named but I included some examples. So, can't be that hard.
  11. Bonsai

    Hud LekRoOts

    How many more HUDs are you planning to do? It's not that much work to change the style of it
  12. Maybe you should try to understand the basics first before trying something like this.
  13. Just think about it... A rectangle doesn't react to clicks obviously. So you have to check if that click happened on that reactangle. If thats true, you can handle the click.
  14. Maybe you should do some testing before releasing so you don't have to throw a million versions within a few hours after release. 3.5.0 2014-10-04 22:41:04 3.0.0 2014-10-04 03:50:37 2.0.0 2014-10-04 03:03:04 1.5.0 2014-10-04 02:36:07 1.0.0 2014-10-04 02:17:48 0.0.4 2014-10-04 02:10:58 0.0.3 2014-10-04 02:05:41 0.0.2 2014-10-04 01:59:05 0.0.1 2014-10-04 01:40:49
  15. If you don't need to return anything you could also use events.
  16. Bonsai


    So you are waiting for someone to post a working script? I told you what to do. What else you want. Well, you tested wrong. Of course you can do that. Obviously not by Element Data tho.
  17. Maybe you should put some more screens, as I can't see any weapon images or a design work on the you provided.
  18. Bonsai


    Well, 80 letters for a nick seems pretty long. You will have to edit the scoreboard and admin resource to use the super nick instead of normal player nickname. But as you probably can't, just don't use this s h i t at all, since its only for admins anyway.
  19. Bonsai


    Whats the point of this super nick?
  20. Do you ever use the search? There are plenty of answers, even downloads on google.
  21. This is just a radar guys.. You are acting like its some incredible awesome stuff. Since nobody else showed up saying this is stolen etc., there is no reason to be suspicious anymore. Either buy it or stay out.
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