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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Go to the "acl.xml" in your server folder, search for his name, and remove it.
  2. Espera, me acabo de dar cuenta de algo que me equivoque, si podes usar ese evento. addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerStealthKill", localPlayer, function ( target ) if ( getElementData ( target, "slothbot" ) ) then cancelEvent ( ) end end ) Deberia cancelar el stealth kill para los slothbots.
  3. onClientPlayerStealthKill es para jugador ese evento, al parecer no hay ninguno para peds ( bots ).
  4. Queres que no puedan matar al bot con el cuchillo?
  5. I though this was a discussion topic, but seems like it ended in a war like many others. Topic locked.
  6. if slothbot == slothbot then Eso no tiene sentido.
  7. Castillo

    Needed help

    addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", theMarker, function ( ) local team = getTeamFromName ( "> Team Name <" ) local playersInMarker = #getPlayersByTeamInsideMarker ( theMarker, team ) local playersInTeam = countPlayersInTeam ( team ) if ( playersInMarker == playersInTeam ) then -- do whatever you want end end ) function getPlayersByTeamInsideMarker ( theMarker, theTeam ) local players = { } for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsWithinColShape ( getElementColShape ( theMarker ), "player" ) ) do if ( getPlayerTeam ( player ) == theTeam ) then table.insert ( players, player ) end end return players end Should do the job.
  8. Just a tip: XML is not good for this kind of stuff, you should use MySQL.
  9. You have to check if the player that enter/exit is the local player. function bindthemkeys ( thePlayer ) if ( thePlayer == localPlayer ) then setTimer ( addCommandHandler, 2000, 1, "bb", applybb ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleEnter", getRootElement() , bindthemkeys ) function unbindthemkeys ( thePlayer ) if ( thePlayer == localPlayer ) then removeCommandHandler ( "bb" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement() , unbindthemkeys )
  10. No if it's used server side. You could make a table though, store there who "removed" the command, then when they try to use it, cancel the function.
  11. I guess that yo ucan disable the object collisions, though, you can't disable GTA SA map object collisions, as far as I know.
  12. Castillo


    As I told you in the spanish section, you must learn how to use tables properly.
  13. Are you sure that the font is valid and it's correctly created? P.S: Keep it english only on this section.
  14. local font_0 = dxCreateFont( ":guieditor/fonts/PetitFormalScript.ttf", 10 ) That must go outside the onClientRender event.
  15. Estas usando la funcion que algun pelo**** edito, copiala de nuevo de la wiki, puse de nuevo la mia original.
  16. Castillo


    You are taking it client side?
  17. Ese que poste es el que yo use y funciono. Capaz que no aparece en tu resolucion, yo uso 1024 * 768.
  18. Castillo


    Porque no se usa asi.
  19. Castillo


    Nada quever, una tabla se define asi: tabla = { }
  20. Where's: points = getElementData ( localPlayer, "Points" ) defined?
  21. Castillo


    No, tenes que leer sobre tablas y table.sort.
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