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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. if ( countPlayersInTeam( theTeamJuggernaut ) ) then You are not comparing it with anything. if ( countPlayersInTeam( theTeamJuggernaut ) < 3 ) then
  2. That function does not exist.
  3. When you set them to the team, you can check the amount of players with this function: countPlayersInTeam
  4. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5909 Not his resource. DONE
  5. 'source' no esta definido, Pekio.
  6. You'll have to store the latest record somewhere, to check if the new player amount is higher to the stored one. You could use account data: setAccountData And: getAccount To get the "Console" account and use it to store the record. Then you must check when a new player joins, if the stored record is lower to new: getAccountData getPlayerCount onPlayerJoin
  7. Casi todas las funciones/eventos en al wiki tienen ejemplos, usalos.
  8. Awesome! I'll test it as soon as I can.
  9. That's because JR10 asked for removal of it.
  10. Las contraseñas estan encriptadas. Podes abrir el archivo con: "SQLitebrowser".
  11. As Anderl said, this is not the place to request scripts, you must learn to make them or pay someone to do it for you. Topic locked.
  12. No, hay unas 65,599 o algo asi.
  13. There's a public resource which let's you "change" the vehicle names, only when you enter on them anyway. But never heard of two different vehicles using the same model.
  14. local radioFile = xmlLoadFile ( "radio.xml" ) if ( radioFile ) then for _, path in ipairs ( xmlNodeGetChildren ( radioFile ) ) do local name = xmlNodeGetName ( path ):gsub ( "NAAM_", "" ) outputChatBox ( name ) end end That should do it if I'm right.
  15. @SOAP10: Of course you don't understand them, because you know nothing about Lua, how do you expect to understand it? Lua: viewtopic.php?f=148&t=40809
  16. You can use my level/experience system: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Exp_system
  17. Both scripts are different, you'll have to learn Lua to understand the script and then edit it.
  18. 1: Los zombis no tienen nivel. 2: 'ped' no esta definido en ninguna parte. 3: 'source' de onZombieWasted puede que sea el zombi, pero no el que lo mato.
  19. Busca: bindKey('f1', 'down', toggleFRWindow) en: "fr_client.lua" y remplazalo con: --bindKey('f1', 'down', toggleFRWindow)
  20. Si, tenes que editar el script igual. Podrias remover el bind, asi no pueden abrir la ventana directamente.
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