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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Because the variable is not defined in the server side. Variables aren't shared client and server side.
  2. Eso es porque es una funcion client side, y el script tuyo es server side. Tenes que usar: triggerClientEvent -- server side: function Bot ( ) local random = math.random ( #randomSpawnTable ) local x, y, z = unpack ( randomSpawnTable [ random ] ) slothbot = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( x, y, z, 90, 33, 0, 0, BOSS, 38, hunting, true ) exports.extra_health:setElementExtraHealth ( slothbot, 50000 ) outputChatBox ( "#ff0000Nemesis: #eeff00S.T.A.R.S!!!", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true ) triggerClientEvent ( "playTheSound", root ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, Bot ) setTimer ( Bot, 1800000, 0 ) -- client side: addEvent ( "playTheSound", true ) addEventHandler ( "playTheSound", root, function ( ) playSound ( "nemesis.mp3" ) end )
  3. Vos remplazaste el que ya tenias por el que yo te di, no?
  4. No te entiendo, lo unico que hice fue agregar para que quite el input asi pueden moverse en la parte que spawneo.
  5. addEvent( "spawn_SpawnedSuccessfully", true ) addEventHandler( "spawn_SpawnedSuccessfully", g_root, function ( ) letterBox.flyOut( ); hideSpawnMenu( ); passwordWnd:Visible( false ); showHUDComponents( allHUDElements ); showCursor( false ); previousClass = -1; destroyTempPed( ); guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) end )
  6. addEvent( "spawn_requestPassword", true ); addEventHandler( "spawn_requestPassword", g_root, function( teamName ) passwordWnd:Text( "Type in password to spawn as '" .. teamName .."'" ); --passTextBox:Text( "" ); passwordWnd:Visible( true ); passTextBox:BringToFront( ); hideSpawnMenu( ); guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) end );
  7. ---CriticalHit Minigun function minigun ( ) setWeaponProperty ( 38, "poor", "damage", 5 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, minigun ) Te falto el "end" para terminar la funcion.
  8. setTimer outputChatBox getPlayerName
  9. function turnEngineOff ( loss ) if ( loss > 0 ) then setVehicleEngineState ( source, false ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleDamage", getRootElement ( ), turnEngineOff )
  10. Use: setVehicleEngineState
  11. That's one of the forum rules, you should respect it.
  12. You want to turn off the engine when it get's damaged?
  13. Esas funciones se usan para guardar datos en el sistema de cuentas del MTA, simplemente al entrar por primera vez ( estando logeado ), guardas ese dato, y al entrar de nuevo ( al logearse ) verificas si el dato esta, y si lo esta, no lo motras.
  14. 1: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=1474 2: Podes cambiar el daño que hace la minigun con: setWeaponProperty 3: Eso de salir volando no tiene nada que ver con mi script. Y lo de inmortales, eso es algo del script de zombies. 4: Podrias buscar donde muestra el dialogo para poner la contraseña y agregarle: guiSetInputEnabled 5: Talvez sea de tu GTA.
  15. Castillo

    Help Need!

    Yes, it is, to fade you can use: guiGetAlpha guiSetAlpha To move: guiGetPosition guiSetPosition You could also use: interpolateBetween for a nice effect.
  16. That's wrong, findRotation returns only ONE argument, the rotation, and you must fill FOUR arguments, not THREE.
  17. No es automatico, tenes que usar las funciones para dar experiencia, el resto si lo hace el script.
  18. Castillo

    Tema de Gangs

    Los creas con: createTeam Lo de privado no lo entiendo.
  19. Oh, so you expected a function to execute on it's own? great. You must add either a command or a event handler, to test you can do this: local markerst = -- Table with Coordinates { [ 1 ] = { 1, 1, 1 }, [ 2 ] = { 2, 2, 2 }, [ 3 ] = { 3, 3, 3 }, } function idontgethowtodothis ( ) local x, y, z = unpack ( markerst [ 1 ] ) testarker = createMarker ( x, y, z ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", testarker, destroy ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, idontgethowtodothis ) function destroy ( ) destroyElement ( testarker ) end
  20. Because it should use the exports as well: local kLicznik = exports.missiontimer:getMissionTimerTime ( g_MissionTimer )
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