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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    GUI Help

    Well, that's because you used: "onResourceStart", that's a server side event. You must add: guiSetVisible after: GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(56, 55, 680, 284, "", false) Like this: GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(56, 55, 680, 284, "", false) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], false ) And btw, this: function killPlayer() killPlayer(source) end addEvent("killPlayer", true) addEventHandler("killPlayer", root, joinSAPD) Never call a function like a native one, unless you are going to replace it.
  2. Castillo

    Me retiro.

    Yo me retirare cuando los sapos tengan pelo. P.D: Me gusta mas la seccion en Ingles ami .
  3. Los zombies no apareceran en otra dimension, solo en la 0. A menos claro, que hayas editado el script.
  4. Podes usar esta funcion que cree: function convertTime ( ms ) if ( ms and type ( ms ) == "number" ) then local sec = math.floor ( ms / 1000 ) local ms = ( ms % 1000 ) local mins = math.floor ( sec / 60 ) local sec = ( sec % 60 ) local hours = math.floor ( mins / 60 ) local mins = ( mins % 60 ) local days = math.floor ( hours / 24 ) local hours = ( hours % 24 ) return days, hours, mins, sec else return 0, 0, 0, 0 end end Convierte milisegundos en dias, horas, minutos, segundos.
  5. That is a client side script already.
  6. @Samer: How could it hide the window if you put it before it has been created? -- client side: spawnmarker = createMarker ( 1969.9000244141, -1517.8000488281, 970.79998779297 , "cylinder", 2, 9, 30, 213, 255 ) function MarkerHit ( hitPlayer, matchingDimension ) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor_Window[2], true ) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( hitPlayer ) .." entered a marker" ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", spawnmarker, MarkerHit ) GUIEditor_Window = {} GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Memo = {} GUIEditor_Label = {} GUIEditor_Window[2] = guiCreateWindow(147,141,749,548,"The Aviator Spawn Panel by Robbster",false) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor_Window[2], false ) GUIEditor_Memo[2] = guiCreateMemo(80,56,627,302,'Welcome to to the Aviators Airline Gamemode!t\n\n-----\nINFO\nINFO \nINFO\nINFO\n-------\n\nHere are the ranks\n\nA student pilot is 0 points : These can fly everything except the Andromada, AT-400, military planes and military helicopters (hydra/hunter)\n\nA Private pilot is 150 points : These can fly everything except the Andromada and AT-400, and military planes and helicopters (hydra/hunter) and flying with the shamal will be x1.5 the amount of money a student pilot earns\n\nA Commercial pilot is 250 points : These can fly everything except the military planes and helicopters (hydra/hunter)\n\nArmy pilots is 500 points : These can fly everything\nIn an airline, all airplanes of the airline can be used not matter what \"level\" you are.',false,GUIEditor_Window[2]) GUIEditor_Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(270,398,94,46,"",false,GUIEditor_Window[2]) -- server side: ---Spawning the player to the Spawn Room--- function spawn ( ) spawnPlayer ( source , 1958.7082519531, -1517.5471191406, 973.55889892578, 0, 1, 0, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogin', getRootElement(), spawn )
  7. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... our_server
  8. He could also use getTimerDetails to get the timer time left.
  9. Or you can use this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetFPSLimit
  10. El setTimer no se para que, tambien el tendria que usar: getResourceFromName, para verificar si existe el recurso.
  11. What spawn system are you using?
  12. Blips can be removed with destroyElement, but they can't be removed just from radar or F11 map.
  13. The "maps"? what does that mean?
  14. What you can do is: trigger a server event, then execute the command in the server side.
  15. The 'out' command is server side, right? I just made a fast test, and you can't execute server side commands client side.
  16. I don't really understand what is your problem.
  17. Topic moved to scripting. Use: getPlayerAccount getAccountName
  18. Castillo

    testing scripts

    What do you mean?
  19. Reporta el bug al creador, capaz que lo arregle.
  20. Y eso no es posible, porque los slothbot son server side.
  21. Eso esta bien. Pero no va a funcionar, porque el script client side aun no cargo, y el server side ya intenta enviar el evento.
  22. Donde pusiste: addEvent ( "playTheSound", true ) addEventHandler ( "playTheSound", root, function ( ) playSound ( "nemesis.mp3" ) end )
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