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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. It's exactly what it does, it can be used to simulate .gif images.
  2. May I ask, where's callServerFunction defined in your client side script?
  3. Castillo


    Then, the problem is that you are using 'playerSource', but you should use 'localPlayer' instead. function flip ( ) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if ( theVehicle and getVehicleController ( theVehicle ) == localPlayer ) then local rx, ry, rz = getVehicleRotation ( theVehicle ) if ( rx > 110 ) and ( rx < 250 ) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( theVehicle ) setVehicleRotation ( theVehicle, rx + 180, ry, rz ) setElementPosition ( theVehicle, x, y, z + 2 ) end end end bindKey ( "x", "down", flip ) addCommandHandler ( "flip" , flip ) addCommandHandler ( "f", flip )
  4. Castillo


    This script is client or server side?
  5. That's because they aren't native functions, you must copy the source code from here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CallServerFunction
  6. Castillo

    please help <3

    I have no idea of what are you talking about, just to clarify, this is the MTA forums, is not the forum of the server you play at.
  7. Castillo


    bindKey server side requires a player element.
  8. What do you mean by "isn't only for the client"? P.S: You should check if the hitElement at 'container' function is the local player.
  9. function teletransporte ( thePlayer ) local theElement = ( isPedInVehicle ( thePlayer ) and getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) or thePlayer ) setElementPosition ( theElement, 1109, 1541, 3269 ) end addCommandHandler ( "bigear", teletransporte )
  10. No, he wants multiple "live cameras" at different locations at the same time, it's explained on the photo he posted.
  11. @Elmatus: If your script is server side, then what hassan posted won't work, since playSound is client side only. You would need to use triggerClientEvent to trigger a client side event for then play the sound.
  12. Castillo

    Need help!!

    Topic moved to: "Maps > Support".
  13. You place the skins at:
  14. La ultima version tambien tiene funciones para cambiar el handling, y funcionan perfectamente.
  15. Vehicle mod: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5847 DONE
  16. You don't have 'source' defined anywhere.
  17. getTickCount should do the trick, you can check the time that has passed, if it's 6 hours, let him use it again.
  18. That 'showMessage' function is drawn by server side texts, they haven't got font argument.
  19. MTA has no "gang system" built-on, also, this can be done with scripting.
  20. I give them the function they need, they should click it and it'll redirect to the wiki.
  21. Castillo

    Im bad.

    That doesn't make any sense, I recommend you to learn the basics.
  22. Weapon, Skin, Vehicle mod: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5839 DONE
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