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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Lo que podes hacer es cambiar para que envie las URL desde el server side a todos los jugadores, asi todos escucharian la misma cosa.
  2. Resource "mapmanager" handles that, and there is: "onGamemodeMapStart".
  3. Castillo

    GUI Help

    You have to check if 'hitElement' is the localPlayer.
  4. I already gave you an idea, you can use it or not, read about tables at lua.org.
  5. You can, but it would be inefficient.
  6. The GUI creation is inside "onClientResourceStart" event, isn't it? if so, add the event inside that function as well.
  7. You can of course, but this method is really bad, you should create a table with the coordinates, vehicles that'll appear on the grid list, then you can create all the markers and assing them the vehicles ( could be either element data, or another table ), then when hit the marker, send them to the client side, show the GUI and add the vehicles to the grid list.
  8. See: "showGUI2" you use the same event on both of them.
  9. It says that the element does not exist at destroyElement?
  10. Post the script you use for military spawner.
  11. Post the script you use for military spawner.
  12. Is not possible, if you want, I can add a function so you can get the name of a level.
  13. You are surely using the same event name to show the GUI.
  14. No son necesarios, el ejemplo es entendible.
  15. Trigger a server event with: triggerServerEvent Then get the data, and send it back to the client with: triggerClientEvent
  16. En vez de crear una funcion para cada marker, podrias usar una misma funcion para todos los markers.
  17. Castillo

    Doesn't Ban

    Start again from scratch, reading every function/event you need to use.
  18. Castillo

    Doesn't Ban

    That script makes no sense.
  19. As far as I know, that'll only create the map file with the spawnpoint and all the attributes you created in the EDF, then you have to make a script which get's them from the current map.
  20. You have to make an EDF as far as I know. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EDF
  21. Usa mi funcion: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawGifImage Acordate de copiar el codigo fuente, ya que no es una funcion nativa del MTA.
  22. Los slothbots son server side solamente.
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