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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. No, I mean, you must define the database on dbConnect.
  2. Castillo


    What was the problem?
  3. Post the arguments you used for dbConnect, all of them, just remove password and user.
  4. Lo del GPS? pues haces lo mismo, pero en vez de ocultarlo, lo mostras.
  5. Desactiva el control que lo activa. Usa: toggleControl
  6. Castillo


    And entered a Banshee?
  7. Castillo


    I don't know how you are testing it , but I tested it and it goes far more than 180km/h.
  8. local coordinatesTable = { { x, y, z }, { x, y, z } } function sortCoordiantesByDistance ( x, y ) local coordinates = { } for _, pos in ipairs ( coordinatesTable ) do table.insert ( coordinates, { pos [ 1 ], pos [ 2 ], pos [ 3 ], getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( x, y, pos [ 1 ], pos [ 2 ] ) } ) end table.sort ( coordinates, function ( a, b ) return ( tonumber ( a [ 4 ] ) or 0 ) < ( tonumber ( b [ 4 ] ) or 0 ) end ) return coordinates end Example: addCommandHandler ( "sort", function ( thePlayer ) local x, y = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local coords = sortCoordiantesByDistance ( x, y ) -- do something end )
  9. Castillo


    You don't understand, the velocity you set is too high, the max is 200,000.
  10. Castillo


    The max velocity is: 200000.
  11. Castillo


    Well, I tested it and it seems like it worked.
  12. Castillo


    The script is set as server side on meta.xml? Also, I read somewhere that you can't set aircraft handling, I could be wrong though.
  13. A table value, since I didn't specify any index.
  14. Well, to create your own skin, you need modelling and design knowledge. But you can download skins though.
  15. Castillo


    -- server side: local myPickup = createPickup ( 0, 0, 5, 3, 370, 50, 1 ) addEventHandler ( "onPickupHit", myPickup, function ( hitElement ) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then -- If the element that hit it is a player. givePedJetPack ( myPickup ) -- Give him a jetpack end cancelEvent ( ) -- Cancel the event, so the pickup won't dissapear. end ) -- client side: local myPickup = createPickup ( 0, 0, 5, 3, 370, 50, 1 ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPickupHit", myPickup, function ( hitElement ) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then -- If the element that hit it is a player. outputChatBox ( "Hello there!" ) -- Output a message to the chat end cancelEvent ( ) -- Cancel the event, so the pickup won't dissapear. end )
  16. I still don't understand, converting a table into a JSON string won't change how the table is ordered or made. Example: myJSON = toJSON ( { [ 1 ] = "Hello", [ 2 ] = "World" } ) outputChatBox ( myJSON ) myTable = fromJSON ( myJSON ) outputChatBox ( tostring ( myTable ) )
  17. I don't really understand what you said. fromJSON returns a table out of a valid JSON string.
  18. Please use private messages for such questions.
  19. Try these: "nto_b_l" "nto_b_s" "nto_b_tw"
  20. Is not what he's talking about as far as I know, he's talking about component.
  21. That function is not for that. You must use setWeaponProperty
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