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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    Como se usa?

    No creo que esa funcion este en el MTA.
  2. Why would the weapon dissapear? maybe you got a script doing that?
  3. if(id BETWEEN 120 AND 180) then Wrong, should be: if ( id >= 120 and id < 181 ) then
  4. Seems like the TXD doesn't work for that skin.
  5. Download "TXDworkshop" and make a DFF check, to see if the model uses the textures inside the TXD.
  6. Castillo

    Help Plz

    Is there any team on the XML file?
  7. I don't know, why don't you download it and check it by yourself?
  8. Not sure, have you searched on the community?
  9. Castillo


    You want it global? then you must move the check server side.
  10. No, you don't need it, just attach it to the button element.
  11. Castillo

    Help Plz

    What is the problem?
  12. Para obtener el valor original, usa getOriginalWeaponProperty
  13. Castillo

    help again

    playSound is a client side only function, you need to trigger back to client to play it.
  14. Castillo

    help again

    3azef: If you don't understand what he's talking about, please don't reply, you are confusing him.
  15. Account data has nothing to do with MySQL.
  16. Castillo

    help again

    You must trigger a server side event with triggerServerEvent then send back to client for all players with triggerClientEvent.
  17. Well, you better start to learn then. viewtopic.php?f=148&t=40809 Functions you would need: bindKey getPedOccupiedVehicle getElementVelocity setElementVelocity
  18. Are you blind? we told you MANY times that you CAN'T ADD CUSTOM ANIMATIONS.
  19. onClientResourceStart is triggered for the local player only when the client side script is loaded and started.
  20. Castillo


    You're welcome.
  21. Castillo


    local lastTick = 0 -- Define a variable with the last tick count local toWait = 60000 -- Define a variable with the time needed to wait local Group = { { 100000 }, } addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, function ( ) if ( source == GUIEditor.staticimage[2] ) then local money = 0 if ( source == GUIEditor.staticimage[2] ) then money = Group[1][1] end if ( getTickCount ( ) - lastTick >= toWait ) then -- Calculate how long it passed since last used and compare with required time to wait. if ( getPlayerMoney ( ) >= tonumber ( money ) ) then triggerServerEvent ( 'sound1', money ) sound = playSound ( "1.mp3", false ) lastTick = getTickCount ( ) else outputChatBox ( 'You Not Have Money', 255, 0, 0 ) end else outputChatBox ( "You must wait 60 seconds to use it again!", 255, 0, 0 ) end end end )
  22. It works the same as yours did, but everyone nearby will hear it.
  23. To get the right rotation from the player the ped has to follow, and to set it to the ped.
  24. Castillo


    You can use a timer ( not efficient ) or you can use getTickCount.
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