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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Well, you just go to the interior and start creating the objects.
  2. Go to "freeroam/fr_server.lua" and copy the whole code and paste it here.
  3. Do you have a resource called "playercolors" running?
  4. What game mode are you running?
  5. Castillo

    [HELP]Map Location

    You can go to the elements menu and double click on one, that should teleport you to the element. You can also add a bookmark to the map, so all you have to do is go to bookmarks and double click on the one you added.
  6. The thing is, this has nothing to do with setting, you obviously don't understand what I'm saying.
  7. 1: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Interior_IDs 2: You can create the interior on map editor, but know this, it won't show up in all dimensions like default interiors.
  8. The problem is that he's using 'source' in triggerClientEvent ( if I'm right ). function startImageDownload ( ) fetchRemote ( "http://www.xn--fischspezialitten-knobloch-thc.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/ice.png", myCallback, "", false ) outputChatBox ( "oi" ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", root, startImageDownload ) function myCallback ( responseData, errno ) if ( errno == 0 ) then triggerClientEvent ( root, "onClientGotImage", root, responseData ) end end Try it.
  9. Here are two public resources: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=2963 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=5479
  10. Should be on "dxscoreboard_clientsettings".
  11. Do you have the "GUIEditor" table defined?
  12. Castillo

    table ...

    Well, your code makes no sense. You must loop the table and see if the ID matches the one you're trying to sell, then break the loop, then you must trigger the price to the server side using triggerServerEvent for then give the player the money, since if you give it client side, it'll not be synced with the server.
  13. What you put as client side also includes server side functions, which means it'll never work. Also, if you create a vehicle client sided, then you won't be able to use it.
  14. You want to draw that only for the player if he/she is in Los Santos?
  15. All you have to do is send the color along with the message on the "onShouts" event.
  16. Yes, it is normal, the ranks have been added based on ranks from GTA San Andreas.
  17. 'acc' will be a string there.
  18. Castillo


    Maybe you had the input enabled?
  19. Eso es porque tu 'if' lo unico que hace es verificar si 'objeto1' esta definido, tenes que definir una variable con el estado de la puerta, asi: objeto1 = createObject ( 2990, -2046.80005, -115.3, 38.1, 0, 0 ,90 ) state = false addEvent ( "PuertaN1", true ) addEventHandler ( "PuertaN1", root, function ( ) if ( not state ) then moveObject ( objeto1, 6000, -2046.80005, -115.3, 3.1 ) state = true else moveObject ( objeto1, 6000, -2046.80005, -115.3, 38.1 ) state = false end end )
  20. guiGridListSetItemText ( veh_vehGrid, row, 1, tostring ( tableRow.vehicle ), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( veh_vehGrid, row, 2, tostring ( tableRow.vehiclePrice ), false, false ) Instead of 1 and 2 as index, it should of been: vehicle and vehiclePrice.
  21. It does work on Oracle VM, I use it to test with myself on my local server. @xTravax: Have you installed the guest additions? and enabled 3D on the settings?
  22. You can set the bot team to the admin team, then make him follow a player.
  23. The variable 'g_CurrentRaceMode' is defined on "race_server.lua", so, it seems like you've edited it wrongly and removed it.
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