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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. local result2 = mysql:query_fetch_assoc( "SELECT `jailtime` FROM `characters` WHERE `id`=" .. mysql:escape_string(dbid) ) local nn = tonumber(result2[1]["jailtime"]) local currenttime = getRealTime() local currenttimereal = ("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d"):format(currenttime.year+1900, currenttime.month + 1, currenttime.monthday, currenttime.hour,currenttime.minute, currenttime.second) local bb = tonumber(currenttimereal) if (nn) then setElementFrozen(value, false) mysql:query_free("UPDATE characters SET jail='0' WHERE id = " .. dbid) mysql:query_free("UPDATE characters SET jailtime=NULL WHERE id = " .. dbid) outputChatBox("You are no longer in Jail!", value, 0, 255, 0) Try it.
  2. Castillo


    Why wouldn't it be possible?
  3. Add this to see what these two variables are returning: outputChatBox ( "nn: ".. tostring ( nn ) ) outputChatBox ( "bb: ".. tostring ( bb ) )
  4. No, I asked what does "nn" and "bb" return? what values?
  5. Oh, so that's what these functions do .
  6. Because, how can game monitor know which data to use as score?
  7. A primera vista pense que no era posible, ya que verificaba si 'player' era un elemento, pero me confundi, igual no estoy seguro de si es mas eficiente realmente. Aca lo tenes usando 'root': addEvent ( "showText", true ) addEventHandler ( "showText", root, function ( tipo, message ) exports [ "notifications"] :showBox ( root, tipo, message ) end )
  8. I rather want the devs to focus on MTA for PC than start all over for mobiles.
  9. Means that it expected an string ( "Hello World!" ), but instead it received a boolean ( true/false ).
  10. -- client side: function EnviarNot ( ) showCursor ( true ) local tipo = guiGetText ( GUIEditor.combobox[1] ) local message = guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[3] ) triggerServerEvent ( "showText", localPlayer, tipo, message ) end -- server side: addEvent ( "showText", true ) addEventHandler ( "showText", root, function ( tipo, message ) exports [ "notifications"] :showBox ( root, tipo, message ) end )
  11. Well, that function only centers it, it doesn't resize it.
  12. Maybe you should show some proof of your skills as scripter.
  13. El recurso ese "notifications" tiene una funcion server-side?
  14. Well, you must change the position of it, I added to center it just for test.
  15. Castillo

    Skin of gift

    A skin for what exactly? be more specific.
  16. http://lua-users.org/wiki/ControlStructureTutorial
  17. local marker = createMarker ( -2625, 1380, 7, "cylinder", 0.8, 0, 0, 255, 150 ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", marker, function ( hitElement ) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then if ( #getElementsWithinColShape ( getElementColShape ( source ), "player" ) == 1 ) then triggerClientEvent ( hitElement, "enterMarker", hitElement ) end end end ) Try that one instead.
  18. I don't understand something, if you're so convinced that SAMP is better than MTA, why don't you just leave this forum? because to me, it looks like you're just here to piss off people.
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