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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. local tiempo = 3500 function makeAPed ( thePlayer, command, skin ) if ( getTickCount ( ) - tiempo > 10000 ) then tiempo = getTickCount ( ) setTimer ( function ( ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local rot = getElementRotation ( thePlayer ) local team = getPlayerTeam ( thePlayer ) local myped = exports.slothbot:spawnBot ( x , y - 2, z, 0, math.random ( 100, 105 ), 0, 0, akatsuki, 4, "fire", true ) setTimer ( destroyElement, 50000, 1, myped ) setTimer ( createElement, 5100, 1, myped ) end ,3000, 1 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "edo",makeAPed )
  2. Yeah, but if the memo contains the messages sent, then your getPlayerFromName will return always false.
  3. And how would that work...? isn't that the memo containing all the messages?
  4. Castillo

    SQL types

    As far as I know, INT and INTEGER are the same thing.
  5. Well, obviously you didn't look for errors, since I found one the moment I seen the script, plus, the debugscript also shows it. function GetPlayerMoney(player) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if isGuestAccount(account) then return end local GetPlayermoney = getAccountData(account,"GetPlayerMoney") if not player then setAccountData(account,"GetPlayerMoney",0) end In that function, you got an 'end' missing.
  6. local localP = getPlayerFromName(guiGetText(memo_help)) if localP then What are these for?
  7. En el chatbox que dimension aparece?
  8. Use the function: getResources
  9. I would say that it got renamed to 'cache', since 'protected' no longer appears on the wiki.
  10. I would use the "bone_attach" resource which let's you attach elements to a player/ped bone. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=2540
  11. If you enable that, the script won't be downloaded to the client's hard drive, it'll be loaded on memory.
  12. Not really, he forgot the comma. function mogolla ( ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local theText = dxDraw3DText ( "Doton doriu jehiquin" x, y, z, 2, "default", 255, 255, 255, 12 ) if theText then setTimer ( destroyElement, 10000, 1, theText ) end end addCommandHandler ( "doton", mogolla )
  13. Also, you can put them all inside one single function.
  14. And you set the script as client-side?
  15. Remove 'root' from addCommandHandler.
  16. Castillo

    Hot Dog Van

    function vehicle ( theVehicle, seat ) local id = getElementModel ( theVehicle ) if ( id == 588 ) then if ( theVehicle ) then outputChatBox ( "type /hotdogs to sell food and drinks", source ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), vehicle )
  17. Post the source code from this function: dxDraw3DText
  18. Castillo

    Hot Dog Van

    Yes, it's possible. addCommandHandler getPedOccupiedVehicle getElementModel createMarker onMarkerHit
  19. local dxDraw3DText = exports.3D_DX_Texts:dxDraw3DText function mogolla ( ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( sourcePlayer ) local theText = dxDraw3DText( "Doton doriu jehiquin" x, y, z, 2, "default", 255, 255, 255, 12 ) if theText then setTimer ( destroyElement, 10000, 1, theText ) end end addCommandHandler ( "doton" mogolla )
  20. Define a global variable which will contain the selected index, then to switch the team, increase or decrease the variable. Then in the dxDrawText use the index to get the team name from the table.
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