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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    Moving Gui

    What is the problem?
  2. Maybe for the next version, you should make the vehicles on a XML file or a table, it would be a lot easier to add/remove vehicles.
  3. Ese 'return' cancelara el for-loop, porque no envias la tabla 'datos' y haces el loop luego?
  4. Castillo


    No, you can't move the radar map. You can create your own radar map, it won't be easy though.
  5. Castillo

    Race Cam.

    I guess that it's something related to ghostmode. Have you tried disabling the collisions?
  6. I don't see what's the problem of having to save the weapons on wasted and restore them on spawn, it isn't hard to do it.
  7. You are fading the camera out, but you ain't fading it in again.
  8. @782458: Maybe it is, maybe not. Thanks for the correction aswell, my native language isn't english, so I guess that it's quite common to make mistakes when writing. @GamerDeMTA: Where you put the host and username, there's also an edit field for the password. If you created a "site" in "File > Site Manager", then you just click one the one you want to change the password from, see if the logon type is "Normal", if not, then change it, and there you'll see few edit fields ( username, password, etc ).
  9. You mean the password for the account you're using to connect to an FTP server?
  10. What do you mean by "other marker"?
  11. Have you added it to the acl.xml, group "Admin"?
  12. -- Viação 1001 [RJ] rj1001 = createMarker(2939.0646972656,-588.25177001953,11.604391098022, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150) function rj(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) if getElementData(hitPlayer,"empresa") == 1 then local playerelem = getPlayerName(hitPlayer) local veih = getPedOccupiedVehicle(hitPlayer) local pass = getElementData(hitPlayer,"passageiros") if pass > 10 and pass < 20 then setPlayerMoney(hitPlayer,500) elseif pass > 20 and pass < 35 then setPlayerMoney(hitPlayer,649) elseif pass > 35 and pass < 49 then setPlayerMoney(hitPlayer,809) end outputChatBox(playerelem..", Aguarde, passageiros subindo/descendo.", 255, 255, 0,true) setElementFrozen(veih, true) setTimer(function() destroyElement(rj1001) flo1001 = createMarker(2930.7834472656,-589.88006591797,11.629212379456, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150) outputChatBox("CHEFE: Você tem que ir para Florianopolis", 255, 255, 0,true) setElementData(hitPlayer,"passageiros",math.random(5,48)) setElementFrozen(veih, false) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", flo1001, flo) end, 60000, 1) else outputChatBox("CHEFE: Estou zangado com você! Está tentando pegar a rota da outra empresa? Porque não se demite?", 255, 255, 0,true) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", rj1001, rj) flo1001 = createMarker(2930.7834472656,-589.88006591797,11.629212379456, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150) function flo(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) if getElementData(hitPlayer,"empresa") == 1 then local playerelem = getPlayerName(hitPlayer) local veih = getPedOccupiedVehicle(hitPlayer) local pass = getElementData(hitPlayer,"passageiros") if pass > 10 and pass < 20 then setPlayerMoney(hitPlayer,500) elseif pass > 20 and pass < 35 then setPlayerMoney(hitPlayer,649) elseif pass > 35 and pass < 49 then setPlayerMoney(hitPlayer,809) end outputChatBox(playerelem..", Aguarde, passageiros subindo/descendo.", 255, 255, 0,true) setElementFrozen(veih, true) setTimer(function() destroyElement(flo1001) outputChatBox("CHEFE: Você tem que ir para Florianopolis", 255, 255, 0,true) setElementData(hitPlayer,"passageiros",math.random(5,48)) setElementFrozen(veih, false) end, 60000, 1) else outputChatBox("CHEFE: Estou zangado com você! Está tentando pegar a rota da outra empresa? Porque não se demite?", 255, 255, 0,true) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", flo1001, flo) setTimer(destroyElement,1000,1,flo1001)
  13. And how should we know what you have to modify?
  14. function aosair ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then local empp = getElementData ( source, "empresa" ) setAccountData ( account, "empresa", empp ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), aosair ) function aoentrar ( thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin ) if getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "empresa" ) then local emp = getAccountData ( theCurrentAccount, "empresa" ) setElementData ( source, "emrpesa", emp ) setElementData ( source,"nasceu",1 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), aoentrar )
  15. That's because you're outside of the GTA map bounds.
  16. function speedup ( thePlayer ) if ( getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( thePlayer ) ) == "Unique" ) and ( getElementModel ( source ) == 470 ) then local handlingTable = getVehicleHandling ( source ) local newVelocity = ( handlingTable [ "maxVelocity" ] + ( handlingTable [ "maxVelocity" ] / 100 * 200 ) ) setVehicleHandling ( source, "numberOfGears", 5 ) setVehicleHandling ( source, "driveType", 'awd' ) setVehicleHandling ( source, "maxVelocity", newVelocity ) setVehicleHandling ( source, "engineAcceleration", handlingTable [ "engineAcceleration" ] + 8 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", root, speedup ) Errors I found: 1: You put the event handler inside the function. 2: You had one extra 'end'. 3: You were using getElementType for the wrong purpose.
  17. Use the following functions: getElementColShape -- Obtain the marker colshape. getElementsWithinColShape -- Get the players inside colshape.
  18. The line 19 of the client side script doesn't have anything wrong.
  19. Que funciones estas usando? las que vienen con el MTA ( dbQuery, dbExec, etc ) o las de la module de Ryden ( mysql_connect, mysql_close, etc )?
  20. Hmm, the problem can be that the type of column is not a number. You could change it via phpMyAdmin if I'm right.
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