-- Define window dimensions and background image path
local windowWidth, windowHeight = 480, 320
local bgImagePath = "lgn_bg.png"
-- Calculate window position to center it on the screen
local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize()
local windowX, windowY = (screenWidth - windowWidth) / 2, (screenHeight - windowHeight) / 2
-- Create the window (invisible, we will draw the background image instead)
local window = guiCreateWindow(windowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight, "", false)
guiSetAlpha(window, 0) -- Make the window fully transparent
-- Create GUI elements
local backgroundImage = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight, bgImagePath, false, window)
local usernameLabel = guiCreateLabel(50, 80, 100, 25, "Username:", false, window)
local usernameField = guiCreateEdit(150, 80, 280, 25, "", false, window)
local passwordLabel = guiCreateLabel(50, 120, 100, 25, "Password:", false, window)
local passwordField = guiCreateEdit(150, 120, 280, 25, "", false, window)
guiEditSetMasked(passwordField, true)
local loginButton = guiCreateButton(50, 160, 100, 30, "Login", false, window)
local registerButton = guiCreateButton(190, 160, 100, 30, "Register", false, window)
local guestButton = guiCreateButton(330, 160, 100, 30, "Guest", false, window)
-- Show the window with the background image
guiSetVisible(window, true)
-- Ensure that the window is destroyed when the resource stops
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function()
if (isElement(window)) then
-- Add event handlers for buttons (implement your login logic here)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", loginButton, function()
local username = guiGetText(usernameField)
local password = guiGetText(passwordField)
outputChatBox("Login clicked. Username: " .. username .. " Password: " .. password)
-- Implement login logic here
end, false)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", registerButton, function()
local username = guiGetText(usernameField)
local password = guiGetText(passwordField)
outputChatBox("Register clicked. Username: " .. username .. " Password: " .. password)
-- Implement registration logic here
end, false)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guestButton, function()
outputChatBox("Guest clicked.")
-- Implement guest login logic here
end, false)
Try this