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  1. math.lerp pentru euler angles (generat de chatgpt pentru python, convertit de mine pentru lua) function lerp_angle(start_angle, end_angle, progress) local start_angle = math.rad(start_angle) local end_angle = math.rad(end_angle) if math.abs(end_angle - start_angle) > math.pi then if end_angle > start_angle then start_angle = start_angle + 2*math.pi else end_angle = end_angle + 2*math.pi end end local angle = (1 - progress) * start_angle + progress * end_angle return math.deg(angle) end
    1 point
  2. I need someone who can solve all the errors in my resources. Contact me here or on discord Discord: LoRdBoss#8307
    1 point
  3. Create your first model (arena) using 3ds Max
    1 point
  4. Texturing a gang unit
    1 point
  5. You can join it by visiting this link: https://discord.gg/GNN6PRtTnu
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