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  1. Satko

    Open's Shop

    Hello everyone, I want to introduce you to my new shop. I currently have 2 game mods published, working on a few more and making some resources that will be sold separately. I hope you'll like it. Discord: satko_mta E-mail: [email protected] My shop: https://payhip.com/Satko
  2. jes l hav gejmod kontakt mi on diskord
  3. Hello, I'm looking for a gamemode RP/RPG. Contact me on discord n1ggercina.
  4. Paying now for helping me for sql but need skilled guy
  5. Hello, I am looking for help with the script. I need help with the rental system, MDC panel, mapping and casino. If anyone is interested in helping, please message me on discord. lordboss. Type only this.
  6. Add me l cant add you LoRdBoss#2089
  7. Hi, I'm selling a roleplay gamemode. For all information, contact me personally on discord or telegram so that we can agree on everything. I offer a service from sale to installation. I can also translate gamemodes for a good price. Gamemode is rp has everything you need such as robberies, jobs, municipality, shops... My discord is LoRdBoss#2089 and telegram @satko1244
  8. I have 1 if you stil looking...
  9. Satko

    Treba mi pomoc

    Pozdrav, odlucio sam da otvorim MTA server po imenu ArtMTA. Ako ima zainteresovanih skriptera i mapera nek se javi moj discord je LoRdBoss#2089
  10. I need someone who can solve all the errors in my resources. Contact me here or on discord Discord: LoRdBoss#8307
  11. Paid bro and LF if it's good
  12. Hello everyone. I need to translate my resource. I don't have time. Need translate from hungarian to bosnian. If here anypne who can help contact me on discord. My discord: LoRdBoss#8307 Thanks
  13. Hello everyone. I opening balkan server. Need developer. I have started script. I don't have money for paying. Who can for free dm me on discord. LoRdBoss#8307
  14. @LOOah l need bigger help anyways
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