When incrementing the attempts counter, check if it just surpassed 10 (that is, it was below 10 before the increment and is now equal or greater than 10), and if so, either start a timer for 24 hours to clear the lock, or store the current timestamp + 86400 sec, and ensure the next time the user attempts to do the same thing, the current timestamp is greater or equal to the previously stored timestamp (of course all of this, per IP).
Something like this:
local attempts = {}
local lockouts = {}
function isIPLockedOut(ip)
-- check if the lockout needs to be cleared
if (lockouts[ip]) then -- if ip was locked out before
if (lockouts[ip] < getRealTime().timestamp) then
-- if lockout timestamp hasn't been reached
return true
-- if lockout timestamp is in the past,
lockouts[ip] = nil -- clear the lockout and continue the function
attempts[ip] = 0 -- clear the attempts count
local offenseCount = attempts[ip] or 0
if (offenseCount >= 10) then
return true -- if count is above 10, return true
return false -- otherwise return false
function incrementOffenseCount(ip)
local offenseCount = attempts[ip] or 0 -- default to 0 offenses if not set
if (offenseCount >= limit) then -- if limit exceeded
lockouts[ip] = getRealTime().timestamp + 86400 -- lockout for 24h
else -- otherwise
attempts[ip] = offenseCount + 1 -- increment offense count
-- example usage
function attemptLogin(player, username, password)
local ip = getPlayerIP(player)
if isIPLockedOut(ip) then
local seconds = lockouts[ip] - getRealTime().timestamp
local hours = math.floor((seconds%86400)/3600)
local mins = math.floor((seconds%3600)/60)
outputChatBox(string.format("You've attempted this action too many times. Your IP is blocked for %dh %02dm.", hours, mins), player, 255, 0, 0)
if getAccount(username, password) then
logIn(player, username, password)
incrementOffenseCount(ip) -- only call this within a conditional block on isIPLockedOut(ip) == false
outputChatBox("Wrong username or password", player, 255, 0, 0)
For the above provided code, make sure you only ever call incrementOffenseCount if isIPLockedOut returned false, otherwise you'll be resetting the lockout timer.