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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/02/22 in all areas

  1. Oii, É possível sim. O código abaixo mostra quase exatamente isso. Então no evento de renderização você mostra na tela do jogador a informação que ele precisa saber quando tiver uma arma equipada em mão. ? local currentWeapon = getPedWeapon(localPlayer) addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, function () if (currentWeapon ~= 0) then -- Se tiver alguma arma em mão, então mostramos isso à ele. end end ) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch', localPlayer, function (_, curSlot) currentWeapon = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, curSlot) end )
    1 point
  2. What you describe does not sound like a perfect solution to authentication, especially in regards to serial spoofing, and serials not being guaranteed to be unique. All you would need to know regarding safe authentication and handling of credentials can be found here: disclaimer: I'm the author of the user guide in question.
    1 point
  3. Em vez de um evento, utilize um timer de 20 segundos. setTimer(function() db = dbConnect('sqlite', 'prisao.db') dbExec(db, 'Create table if not exists presos(login, tempo)') setTimer(function() for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do if getPlayerPreso(player) then local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, 'Select * from presos Where login = ?', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player))), - 1) if #result ~= 0 then setTimer(function(player) setPlayerPreso(player, result[1]['tempo']) end, 500, 1, player) end end end end, 500, 1) end, 20000, 0)
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. When i try to open MTA, it shows this message " MTA:SA needs Administrator acess for the following task: " Fix elevation required error" Please confirm in the next window" For more info check my video : Thanks !
    0 points
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