فيديو عن السيرفربسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ,
تم إفتتاح سيرفر تيربو للهجولة
مافيه اي شئ اقدر اقوله عن السيرفر صراحه,
انا مجرد شخص عجبه السيرفر فـ نشرته .
واللي بيخش السيرفر وهو جاي من طرفي يبشر باللي يبيه .
السيرفر وصل 70 لاعب فما فوق وان شاء الله بيكون اكثر الايام الجايه ....
دعمكم هو سند لنا ووجودكم فخر لنا.
الله يحييكم في السيرفر وان شاء الله ينال على اعجابكم
اي بي السيرفر :
فيديو عن السيرفر
local myMarker = createMarker(x, y, z, "cylinder", size, red, green, blue, alpha, visibleTo)
function onEnterMarkerTakeWeapons(hitElement,matchingDimension)
if hitElement == source then
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", myMarker, onEnterMarkerTakeWeapons)
If you're looking for someone to script it for you, you'd be better off trying here
☞ https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/149-looking-for-staff/
If you want to attempt it yourself:
Let me clarify:
- You can only appeal permanent global bans on this board
- Last week, he was supposed to receive a global ban of less than a week. Something went wrong and it accidentally became permaban.
It's corrected now, so the ban was temporary and removed now. You can tell him that.
But anyways, the global ban and new forum ban was due to repeated forum ban evading. You cannot appeal forum bans on this board, but I can tell you the forum ban (and our intention to hand out measures every time he tries to evade it) will remain unchanged.
We have tried to see if he changed and stopped causing trouble multiple times in the past, and he never did, even when several years were inbetween. And we have plenty of reasons to keep him out, simply his behavior won't be forgiven.
Anyways if you came here mainly for the global ban issue, well as you can see it's solved.
WARNING: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil]
- fireExtinguishedHandler function is not exists, so you can't attach an event to this function.
- What can you do?
1) Create this function.
2) Remove the addEvent(...) and addEventHandler(...) in 1st and 2nd lines. (of course it's not a real solution, just eliminate the warning message)
ERROR: Client (USAR|Plk.NovaCrew) triggered serverside event doCreateFire, but event is not added serverside.
- Server try to trigger a client sided custom event, doCreateFire. But this event is not exists.
- What can you do?
1) Make sure this event is exists on client side.
If you only want to see your objects, I recommend to set all objects to another dimension than the players.
And for every object you create:
triggerClientEvent > Clientside: setElementDimension (to your own dimension)