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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/09/19 in all areas

  1. hi, the title says it all, after alt-tabbing from desktop to mta a few times, MTA simply won't open anymore and I'm forced to close it with the task manager. I've tried reinstalling MTA, move it to a different direction, changed the resolution from fullscreen to windowed (which made it flicker and lag really hard), nothing would work. I can't find any reason for this to happen, as no updates on both my windows and MTA were made the day this problem appeared. I've Windows 10 and use the latest version MTA version, 1.5.7. I hope someone can help me, either reply here or message me on Discord. Eyecatcher#6636
    1 point
  2. Abra o arquivo mtaserver.conf e no fim dele tem a lista de resources que iniciam com o servidor, só removê-los.
    1 point
  3. Joga a script de tempo no client da script samu e usa triggerClientEvent("onServerCallAddSetTimer",player)
    1 point
  4. Linhas 9 e 10 estão erradas. Vc está pulando os parâmetros do setTimer. Você fez certo nas linhas 6, 7 e 8. Faça como fez nelas.
    1 point
  5. Corrigindo a setElementData: setElementData(source, "galao", TemGalao)
    1 point
  6. Use /debugscript para mostrar os erros, thePlayer não está definido. Movido para Portuguese / Português @Deniel (postá lá da próxima vez)
    1 point
  7. linha 2 troque o 20 por outro valor e adicione um outputchatbox com a variavel level pra ver qual valor retorna, porque aparentemente o getElementData não está funcionando.
    1 point
  8. function createText() local armaAtual = getPedWeapon( getLocalPlayer() ) local idWeapon = 30 -- Arma que vocẽ quer que apareça. if armaAtual == idWeapon then -- se o ID da arma atual for igual o id da arma que você quer que apereça então: dxDrawText( texto, leftX, topY, rightX, buttomY, color, font ) -- escreva o texto que você quer. end end function HandleTheRendering ( ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, createText ) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement( ), HandleTheRendering ) Não testei.
    1 point
  9. # operator gives you back the size of the following table. In the example what @IIYAMA write to you means, that the forloop loops over all of the players one by one and if its found the value what you seach for just simple stop the looping. And yes, math.random(#players) give you back a random index from the range of the players table. With the index you can get the player element from the players table and give an element data for it.
    1 point
  10. Damn, it worked! many thanks! i've learned a lot. but i just want to ask, what is '#' for? and this code you write it just like giving value to random players isn't? -- test code if #players > 0 then setElementData(players[math.random(#players)], "something", "something") end --
    1 point
  11. @grazia local players = getElementsByType("player") -- test code if #players > 0 then setElementData(players[math.random(#players)], "something", "something") end -- local found = false for i=1, #players do local player = players[i] local something = getElementData(player, "something") if something == "something" then iprint(getPlayerName(player), " has something...") found = true break -- stop searching end end
    1 point
  12. ما احب اتدخل في النوايا ولكن واضح ان مافيه اي مقابل مادي يحفز المبرمج يشتغل معك وغير كذا العرض حقك يقوم على استغلال المبرمجين العرب بمسمى "لازم نجتمع ونطور" بحيث تتجنب التكاليف المادية عموماً اذا فيه مبالغ مادية مقدمة ومرضية لجميع المبرمجين الي بيدخلون معك, بالتوفيق وعسى تكون من أفضل السيرفرات!
    1 point
  13. Olá, estava tendo o mesmo problema. Tem como remover o chat Say, mas ao remover ele você não conseguirá mais conseguir dar os comandos pré determinados por scripts do seu servidor, apenas irá conseguir dar esses comandos no F8. Recomendo que use um script que bloqueie a comunicação no chat Say, e apenas habilite ele para comandos. Se quiser eu tenho um script que faz isso, posso estar passando ele aqui para você se quiser. Espero ter ajudado
    1 point
  14. I also have no idea how I could achieve it, I just have to wait for another one to help me, also thanks bro
    1 point
  15. Thank you for taking interest in this project, will be updating the progress shortly!
    1 point
  16. s setElementData Exemplo quando o player pegar na agencia setElementData(localPlayer,"Emprego","Minerador") ja na função do emprego function ... if getElementData(localPlayer,"Emprego") == "Minerador" then -- codigo
    1 point
  17. UPDATE -Update to MTA 1.5.7 -Fixed a reload animation skip glitch when pressing C+R quickly -Updated dynamic lighting to use new "areVehicleLightsOn" function when the client meets the requirements -Removed the need of pressing "W" to enable debugging for staff members, added new setPlayerScriptDebugLevel instead -Updated Berlin-Mitte to latest version -Fixed an annoying warning of admin panel -Fixed fire rate of Remington Mod. 11 and Sjögren Inertia shotguns Future technical improvements I am never stopping to learn and in the meantime i managed to improve some shader effects, namely dynamic lighting and the water shader. While the new dynamic lighting will most likely not be implemented in SAAW-WW2 (it is very demanding for weak PCs), the improved water shader will most likely hit SAAW-WW2 with a coming update. The changes in detail: Dynamic lighting has been enhanced by a "night-mode" that can actually make nights realistically dark. This effect is demanding and will not be implemented in WW2 but it is a core feature of my next server. Dynamic lighting can also support lightmapping (Textures on objects/vehicles/players that can self-illuminate in the darkness). The follwing picture shows a dark environment at 2:00 AM with a robot that has glowing eyes. Better implementation of dynamic lighting with normal shading - the current lighting method has some issues because it is not compatible with the sun shader. Sun shader will not be used in my next server project, thats why i can make dynamic lighting fully compatible with everything: OLD STANDARD GTA AT NIGHT CURRENT DYNAMIC LIGHTING + NEW NIGHT MODE NEW DYNAMIC LIGHTING + NEW NIGHT MODE COMPATIBLE And now lets get to the most interesting aspect (at least for me, lol, it was a bunch of work) Shore fading! Objects in water do now fade out when they sink deeper into the water, the water is no longer a "hard" surface where suddenly everything disappears. The effect is not 100% finished yet but i think it could be done really quick. OLD WATER SHADER: NEW WATER SHADER:
    1 point
  18. O erro acontece pois você está tentando obter o nome de um true (valor booleano) em vez de um jogador. Além disso, você não declarou em lugar nenhum thePlayer, isso significa que o getElementData ali sempre será false. E também não entendi pra que serve esse isVehicleNoNeed, que também não foi declarado em lugar nenhum e portanto não funciona. Uma pergunta: Essa mensagem do chat deve aparecer somente no chat do jogador que digitou /hab? Ou deve aparecer no chat de todo mundo?
    1 point
  19. Tente: function auto ( player ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local nick_do_jogador = getPlayerName ( player ) if not getElementData ( player, "carLicense" ) then if vehicle and not isVehicleNoNeed ( getElementModel ( vehicle )) then -- não entendi qual vai ser o uso dessa função end outputChatBox("#000000[#ff0000POLICIA#000000] #bebebeO Player : "..nick_do_jogador.." #ff0000Não #bebebePossui Habilitação!", root, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif getElementData ( player, "carLicense" ) then outputChatBox("#000000[#ff0000POLICIA#000000] #bebebeO Player : "..nick_do_jogador.." #04B404Possui #bebebeHabilitação !", root, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler ("hab", auto )
    1 point
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