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  1. I like the result of a 3d line, I just need to make a few adjustments, it's in the wrong position when it's descending.
  2. I'm creating a zipline resource, and I'd like to know how to create a rope between two points, any ideas? I remember seeing a resource for a gas station, where there was a hose that changed size dynamically. Resource: zipline I don't know if it's a smart option, but I can make some models with fixed sizes, 10 meters, 5 meters, 2 meters and 1 meter. Depending on the distance, I calculate how many objects I need to create and create them in sequence. Example 23 meters away, 2x10m + 2m + 1m. What do you think?
  3. Very good animation, thanks!
  4. I'm making a resource zipline and I'd like to make the player look in the right direction when he starts moving, any idea how to do that? I would also like to know if there is an animation that looks like the player is using a zipline. Demo:
  5. I have the following problem, I need the blip to be stuck to the edge of the radar. I know I need to do some sort of math.clump, to prevent the blip from rendering outside of the minimap's border function math.clamp( _in, low, high ) return math.min( math.max( _in, low ), high ) end I performed some tests and almost succeeded, however, I'm not sure if the way I implemented to position the blips was the most efficient. How does the radar work? It is based on shader_hud_mask, and it is rendered like this: Any idea how I can do this?
  6. I just changed the texture of the radar outline, radardisc.
  7. I solved the problem by doing this: function dxNewDrawText(...) arg = {...} arg[4] = arg[2] + arg[4] arg[5] = arg[3] + arg[5] dxDrawText(unpack(arg)) end But I would like to understand the reason to use end position.
  8. Gaimo

    [REL] Ball

    Add kick animation - Any animation suggestions, I don't know how to create animations. Add a power bar - This one is good for changing the ball's distance. Add a way to guide the ball while running - This one I don't exactly know how to do. why don't you share your ressource on the mta community ? I'm too lazy to put the information in meta.xml I use Google Translate.
  9. All function related to physics are unavailable yet right? local terrainData = { 3,3,3,3, 3,0,0,3, 3,0,0,3, 3,3,3,3, } local terrainShape = physicsCreateShape(physics, "heightfieldterrain", 4,4, terrainData) local terrain = physicsCreateStaticCollision(terrainShape) physicsSetProperties(terrain, "position", 0,0,5) physicsSetProperties(terrain, "scale", 5,5,1) -- in terrain, sets mesh density, now mesh has size 20x20units, one vertex every 5 units With this script plus shader it would be possible to create custom terrains, right?
  10. Gaimo

    check jump

    local tick = getTickCount() local delay = 150 -- ms local jump = false addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() if getTickCount() - tick > delay then if getPedControlState(localPlayer, "jump") and not jump then outputChatBox("jump") jump = true elseif not getPedControlState(localPlayer, "jump") and jump then jump = false end tick = getTickCount() end end) So you can detect, regardless of the key that the player presses.
  11. I know an HTML HUD might not be the best option, I'm still sharing it in case anyone wanted to see some HTML resource as an example. Download
  12. I converted the mod from gta sa to mta -> original mod mta version -> download
  13. Debugscript 3 limpo, feito em DGS, descompilado. Contato: Gaimo#0152 - discord
  14. A simple RP for removing trash from the beach. full server-side, you get $ 50 for every garbage collected, you need pAttach. Any bug found can report here. Download
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