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  1. Daha önce eşi benzeri görülmemiş orjinal bir post-apokaliptik zombi sandbox aksiyon-RPG’si olan Dystopia - The Incident’a katıl Current version: 0.75, check out details here Discord: https://discord.gg/Zs5bWSX Dystopia nedir? Bildiğiniz standart MTA hayatta kalma oyun modlarının aksine Dystopia, tamamen popüle edilmiş bir dünyada, farklı tesadüflerle hayatta kalma modudur. Yemek ve su kıt olan bu dünya, hayatta kalmak için sürekli hareket halinde olmanızı gerektirir. Taşıyabilecekleriniz sınırlıdır, bu yüzden toplayacağınız eşyaların önemine dikkat etmeniz gerekir. Araçlara düzenli olarak bakım ve onarımlarda bulunmanız gerekir. San Andreas boyunca yayılmış grup kampları, üsler, gecekondu köyleri ve zombiler bulunmakta. Keşiflere çıkmak sizi ödüllendirir. Dünya yoğun bir yerleşim yerleri ve insanlar vardır, kimi öldüreceğiniz ve kimi bağışlayacağınız tamamen size kalmıştır. Doğa, artık sadece güçlülerin yanındadır. Zayıf ve aptal olanlar doğa tarafından cezalandırılır. Kime yardım edeceğiniz ve kimi öldüreceğiniz, kişisel değerlerinize kalmıştır. Oyunun sonu, virüs ile kırılmış San Andreas’tan kaçmaktır. Roleplay yapabilirsiniz. İsterseniz tek başınıza da oynayarak bu dünyadan zevk alabilirsiniz. Özellikler Detaylandırıl bir post apokaliptik dünya ve birbiriyle çatışan gruplar. 2000’den fazla dost ve düşman NPC. Dinamik grup ve spawn sistemi. Detaylandırılmış envanter sistemi ve bulunabilecek-kullanılabilecek 100’den fazla eşya. Basit ihtiyaçlar, kuvvet, enfeksiyon ve ağrı, kanama, yorgunluk sistemi. Yenilikçi yağma sistemi. Araçlar için yeni bir hasar/tamir sistemi. Birbirinden farklı davranışlı üç türlü zombi türü. Toplanmak için dünyaya yayılmış, pişirilebilecek ve craft edilebilecek farklı malzemeler. San Andreas’taki kaostan kaçmak için bir araç bulun ve oyunu kazanın. Toplama araçlarla yeryüzünü gezin. Hayatta kalmak için, bol şans. Media Screenshots Trailer
    1 point
  2. buna seara. Sunt Radu Mendez prietenii imi spuni raduq, am cumparat recent un host de MTA, eu si un prieten ne am decis sa ne deschidem server. In prezent, nu avem un scripter..pot sa ma numesc si eu scripter de samp..stiu limbaje precum mIRC PAWN, si Java! Dar nu si Lua Daca cineva de aici imi poate oferii servici de scripting sau un gm cu baza de date, i-asi fii recunoscator. Multumesc si o seara buna!=)
    1 point
  3. addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function() exports.slothbot:spawnBot(3, 3, 5, 0, 108, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true) end ) addEvent("onBotWasted") addEventHandler("onBotWasted", getRootElement(), function() setTimer( function() exports.slothbot:spawnBot(3, 3, 5, 0, 108, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true) end , 5000, 1) end ) You were missing 'addEvent' and on the timer to use exported functions you need to make the function inside the timer.
    1 point
  4. If you want to create your own IFP animations, you better already know modelling, because otherwise it will be really hard to get hold of it. To learn that i suggest you search the web for tutorials on modelling and later animations, or join the MTA discord (https://discord.com/invite/mtasa/) and go to the #modelling channel, because it's more active than the modelling forum section.
    1 point
  5. resourceRoot = للسكربت نفسه، كمثال لو سويت حدث ماركر وحطيتها، أي ماركر مسويه داخل السكربت بيتأثر من الحدث. يعني لو سويت ماركرين وحطيت حدث اذت أحد دخل الماركر تجيه فلوس مثلاً، يصير لو أحد دخل اي ماركر من الإثنين بياخذ فلوس. ومثال آخر لو سويت داتا بتكون للسكربت نفسه بمعنى مابتكون للاعب، يعني بتكون داتا واحده فقط. ومثال آخر لو بتستدعي وظيفة من السكربت مابتقدر لأن الوظيفة أنت خليتها للسكربت نفسه فقط. root = عكس الكلام اللي فوق مع الإمكانية انك تحدد الشي اللي تبغاه من خلال الشروط، كمثال الماركر تقدر تسوي شرط في الحدث انه اذا أحد دخل الماركر الأول فقط يتحقق الحدث. بخصوص البراميترز، هي متغيرات تكون بين قوسين الوظيفة، الأحداث أو الوظائف الجاهزة تبع اللعبة تجي معها البراميترز جاهزة ماتقدر تغير في ترتيبها أو نوع المدخلات والأمثلة ذكروها لك فوق. بخصوص انك تبغى تستخدم أكثر من حدث ووظيفة، تقدر تسوي اكثر من حدث للوظيفة الواحدة وتستخدم الشروط عشان تتحقق إذا الحدث الأول تحقق تستخدم البراميتر الأول مثلاً، وتهمل الثاني عادي مايأثر، والعكس صحيح. والمعذرة ما اقدر احط لك أمثلة من الجوال، الكتابة صعبة?.
    1 point
  6. بالتوفيق ليك بس انا اعتزلت لاكن موفق لك ❤?
    1 point
  7. A única diferença é que vai evitar problemas nos valores reais; o que é setado no client só fica disponível no mesmo, a menos que: 1) Você seta o valor também no server para sincronizar 2) O MTA internamente faça a sincronização com o server Edit: No caso das armas não deve ter nenhum problema em obter no cliente, pois giveWeapon só funciona no server.
    1 point
  8. triggerServerEvent("Delta:RemoveData", resourceRoot, playerClicked, theData) Sobre as armas do player, o recomendado é obter as armas no lado server e mandar os valores ao cliente.
    1 point
  9. الأرقمنتات تكون مرتبه في الأساس داخل الكود المصدر مثل : function printText(text) -- text = الأرقمنت print(text) end printText("test") Events أما برامترز الـ فتكون مرتبه بطريقة محدده داخل الوظيفه اللي يشغلها الحدث مثلا : addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function(button,state) -- button = "left" أو "right" -- state = "up" أو "down" end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function(test1,test2) -- test1 = "left" أو "right" -- test2 = "up" أو "down" end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function(more1,more2) -- more1 = "left" أو "right" -- more2 = "up" أو "down" end )
    1 point
  10. Não exatamente. O givePlayerMoney é considerado server-side, pois ao ser feito client-side, ele apenas muda o dinheiro na HUD do jogador, mas ele não fica com aquela nova quantidade de grana no servidor. Ele aparece como both-side (shared) na Wiki pois a função funciona em ambos os lados. As vezes você quer realmente dar um "dinheiro falso" pro jogador e dai vc usa client-side de propósito. É só ler a anotação que aparece na Wiki: Note: Using this function client side (not recommended) will not change a players money server side. Quanto ao seu setTimer, você não vai conseguir cancelá-lo pois você fez ele local. Isso significa que a variável dele só pode ser acessada dentro daquele escopo onde ele foi criado.
    1 point
  11. Então cara, se vc é muito leigo com script, sugiro que vc comece a estudar lógica de programação antes de tentar fazer algo complexo. Sobre escrever um texto muito grande, isso não é problema nenhum, inclusive é recomendável que você deixe o máximo de detalhes possível pro pessoal não precisar ficar perguntando depois. Este tópico é mais relacionado a Programação em Lua, da próxima vez poste na seção correta. Regras do fórum neste tópico:
    1 point
  12. Hi all, I own a 'vehicle-oriented' MTA:SA server, which was grounded a couple of years ago. Our team has grown up within the fun/gaming process in cases of ideas and modelling (there are about 10 stable 3D-modelling/-designing enthusiasts at the moment), so I personally had to go on with my scripting and 'thought-scaling' skills. It is also could be very familiar/close to many MTA-enthusiasts, that organizing/'management' (except coding) of such kind of team takes much time, attention and effort. Now I met that 'level' where all the ideas and large amount of routine became a kind of 'hardly storable' thing for my head being the only Lua-coding and 'general processing unit' in the project. The same trouble meets the project in general - many things which were released within the server updates could be not less useful in much bigger number of places worldwide, so the current project looks like a 'too small house for a too large family'. Here is an 'example'-(short)list of systems which were successfully released/resolutely begun by me and my teammates. More info could be presented personally to people who become interested in. Vehicle platform/base unification. At first, it looks like a simple 'setVehicleComponentVisible'-based tuning system, but it becomes much more complicated and interesting, when it goes about 'realistic' exterior-detailing, which needs a large work done not only by modellers, but also by a crew of general car enthusiasts, which look for and finally provide technical info about how every model/modification looks in real life and which parts should be modelled. All opening panels (doors, bonnets etc) DO have synchro, so they open/close such as the original GTA-components do. Vehicle-'damage' system with component movement and 'wrecking' HLSL-shaders (in progress). Photos possible for interested in cooperation by request. Custom corona-based vehicle lights system. In-game vehicle component positioning with synchro and 'cross-DFF' tuning system (allows to install parts from another vehicle model). Full-3D numberplates system. Even plates are UV-mapped so they could be painted/textured in any way. All the fonts are so 'realistic' as possible being in 3D. Wheel system with separate tire-/rim changing possibility + tire texture changing. Large amount of other vehicle and general gaming systems, which could be described for ages if needed. Who is clearly needed? I'm looking for person/people who is/are interested in 'automotive' projects. That could be experienced Lua-developers (PAID) who could generate and implement 'outstanding' ideas, and even other enthusiasts, who want to improve their skills. The main goal for the moment is optimizing the routine (please note that 'routine' is only the word, sometimes it could be more complicated and 'prestige' than it sounds), because 'management'-tasks are taking more and more attention. Thats why I will be glad to communicate with any kind of people with corresponding level of personal interest to such kind of projects. If 'it goes', any kind of cooperation could be discussed. Skills which are 'greatly welcomed' (but not obligatorily): DX GUI development experience HLSL (shaders) I speak English / Ich spreche Deutsch / Спілкуюся українською / Говорю по-русски Please PM me if interested.
    1 point
  13. Tem vários tutoriais no YouTube sobre o Blender. A minha dica é que vc aprenda os atalhos do teclado, vai facilitar infinitas vezes seu trabalho em vez de ter que ficar clicando nos menus.
    1 point
  14. يب فعلا انا اللي محشش هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه
    1 point
  15. يمنع الشخص من انه يضغط علي ازرار معينه بالشكل هذا اتمني وصلت
    0 points
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