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Hello. This is my new custom window system with widgets. Just rewrited window system, including this custom GUI widgets: - Scroll Panes - Buttons (+ buttons with images) - Progress Bars (automatic checking for vertical or horizontal using its size, square is horizontal) - Scroll Bars (same as progress bars) - Custom Themed Edit Boxes, Memo Boxes, new widget - Number Boxes (support mouse scrolling) - Check Boxes - Combo Boxes - Tab Panel with tabs - Labels - Dialog Boxes - Tooltips - Loading Circles - Table Views (Grid Lists) Here I've just used only OOP coding style, just copy this one lua file in your projects, and start this resource automatically, because this file getting directories from main resourcename, and using files without copying. Screenshots Video: Example - Login Panel. Author - Estet (DK). Tutorial of installation: Download (GitHub) Wiki Documentation Thank you.1 point
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احم احم gridlist almost done ولا اولموست ولا شي ههه السكرول بار انا خايف منه هههههه لكن الله المستعان عالعموم الجريد لست تدعم تلوين خلفية الرو الواحد في الكولمن الواحد شوف الدقه بس ههههه اتركم ويا الصوره you can't go any more cut the text لو لاحظتو كل كولمن منفصل عن الثاني مب بس كذا في خاصية وضع بوزيشن التكست كيف يعني يعني لو انت عربي وتبي التكست يبدا من اليمين للشممال يمديك ولو تبيه من الشمال للمين يمديك الديفولت = center المنتصف اقتراحاتكم صحيح نسيت اقول الجريد لست بتدعم image لكن لما اخلص التكست الاول هههه1 point
stop play script // wrong section dude use https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/ next time1 point
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local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) And make sure when you trigger that event on the server, that the source of the event is the player who played the song. I.e. triggerClientEvent(root, "syncSong", thePlayerWhoPlayedTheSong) -- ^ who will hear the song ^ event source1 point
Nem értem, hogy miért jön ide kötekedni láthatóan rosszindulatból egy olyan ember akinek láthatóan súlyos értelmezési problémái vannak. Ha el tudná készíteni azt a projectet amit eltervezett akkor nyilván nem jönne ide és nem keresne embereket. Mit tesz hozza a projekthez? Leirta, hogy pénzbeli juttatásokat. Tudod ez így működik, van egy adott terv amihez olyan tudás szükséges amit jelenleg nem birtokol ezért fizet másnak érte. Nem is értem, hogy miért kell idejönni és kötekedni egy olyan emberrel aki segítséget kér es lehetőséget biztosít másoknak is akik ezzel foglalkoznak. Gondolkozz el ezen egy kicsit mert pont az ilyen mentalitas es hozzaallas miatt ennyire rosz a magyar community. Tovabbi szép napot1 point
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You can use it instead, but don't forgot to apply the distance between attacker and player ( Lack the damage whenever the distance become more far. )1 point
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بشكل عام جهازك ضعيف مايشغل العاب أولا لأنه معالج بنواتين و32 بت والرامات بطيئة اظن من نوع DDR2 سرعتها قليلة وحجمها قليل بالنسبة لكرت الشاشة المدمج مع المعالج ابدا مايشغل الحل اشتري جهاز جديد1 point
Are you kidding me ? First of all since R4FSAN became a mod. He never spammed since 2 months, i can assure you that.We were testing stuff in 7:44 for my time which i was supposed to sleep. We found a bug, spawned cars etc... This guy just came out with an spawned car of mine (infernus) and then killed me. After i killed him. He became mad and reported us. He did even called us kids. Morg in pictures was my friend. He had fun which i never actually slapped him. i slapped raf back. This guy said; We killed you with jetpack while you killed us first which i had no god mode on. https://ibb.co/dmhOLU We were doing tests in rocks. Which this guy just came to our position. We warned him that we were doing tests. R4FSAN and i "NEVER" abused more than 4/60 players; And those 4 players were always our friends and we were having fun. Seriously, when we tried to explain to him. He just ignored us, called us kids and just reported us IN THE FORUM BY NO EXACT REASON. When i tried to explain to him he said;, I dont care, you are kids etc... i got ss if you want. Though, its not a big deal idk why he reported us for such a small thing.1 point
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@Einheit-101 Here are some suggestions and bugs about SAAW 1,1S S:If you are burning beacuse of an molotov. If you lay on ground. Like if you have 100 hp and if you are in prone mode. You'll survive with 40 HP left. Beacuse its so annoying that you can run off from a grenade but not molotovs; Also friendly molotovs are an cancer. 2,1B: MG81 IS LIKE OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG DUDE... If you headshot someone 5 times with MG81 machine gun as medic (idk does it works with other classes) it kills in 6th shot. You can't do headshot kill with MG81. And you also cant headshot with suomi and ppsh i think. I am not %70 sure but i think so. 3.,2S: You really gotta add some new custom animations. GTA IV anims really do suck. It just bugs player model as hell. And a kübelwagen hits you and if you fell. You can stand up in justttt in 10 secends. 4,2B: If you are an japanese sniper. And climb an ladder. (also works with some other models) This weird thing happens. Does he takes a :~ or what ? https://ibb.co/ddaOn9 5,Q1: Can OFF-NİGHTLY players join the server ? Beacuse server just got reach to like 30 players. And im really happy for it. 6,3B: You can't buy anything from the shop in El Alemain (D FLAG) I tried but it gave me nothing. 7,Q2: Shall we ban Spawn killing and spawn camping ? Beacuse many people hates it and rage quits beacuse of it.1 point
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Szia. Tehát keresel programozót, web fejlesztőt, designert illetve modellezőt. Magyarul minden pozícióra keresel embert, ami azt jelenti, hogy te semmit nem nyújtasz. Miért jönne akárki is hozzád, mit tudsz TE hozzá tenni a projecthez?1 point
تمام سويت ذا الاقتراح وش رايك كذا طبعا اللون معتمد على ال background نفسه بس ال alpha حقه 2551 point
حبيب قلبي انتقادات هادفه وتعجبني تسلملي بستنقى اللي اشوفه كويس من انتقاداتك وبطبقه ابشر ما فهمت صراحه لكن بما انك ضحت حبيب قلبي دوم الضحكه ويا ليت توضح +_+1 point
If you created the clearChat function, you should also create the clearMemo or clearEdit so it would be more useful for many Good Job1 point
السلام عليكم شبآب وأسف علي جوده جهازي خرا بس الحين ختمت ماب قاز 11 عآرف انه سهل بس قريب بختم مابات صعب ومثل مابات صعب Rage Just got Shraket Final Rage Just got shraket! Snake v9 Snake v10 RedGTX Zidra Skillz Naval v10 مابات ثآنيه مأعرف أسمه بس كثير اتمنا بس تدعمني بلايك المقطع : تحيآتي1 point
انا كنت اواجه هذي المشكلة, جرب الحلول التالية وتشتغل معك : 1- تاكد من انك تحمل اللعبة والنظام متوافق مع الي حملته - مثلا معك جهاز XP/ Vista لازم تحمل اصدار MTA من نوع XP / Vista والعكس صحيح 2- اذا حملت الاصدار الصحيح افتح اللعبة كـ أدمنستريشن 3- بعد ماتفتح اللعبة ( بتشتغل معك ) اذا ماشتغلت معك طبق الخيار الي بعده 4- تروح تفتح قائمة المهام او Task manager ( بعد ماتفتح اللعبة وماتشتغل معك * ^ ) 5- تدور على تطبيق Proxy_sa او Gta_sa وتطفيه 6- كذا اللعبة اشتغلت معي قول لو ما اشتغلت /:1 point
Well, you would decrease the actual ping of your client but there's another problem. The frames you will receive per second will be affected by your internet speed, image quality could be affected and getting a VPS with GPU it's a non-common order ( they are mostly reserved for AI related services ). The option you could try is to make use of a VPN ( but I'm sure it will make the experience even worst ). So best option: play servers that are located near to you or get used to 90-150 ping.1 point
Everyday.. rafsan moderator exploitation, upload his armor. Spamm the chat etc.. https://imgur.com/a/Yj1Q0mK https://imgur.com/a/eVVivK8 spawnod lot of cars, motor https://imgur.com/a/PsGoK3M EDIT: how is that? What MOD? Use jetpack, its coming close and kill me https://imgur.com/a/hBNXyjb Ein see pictures0 points