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  1. امسك الريموت و افتح القناة الي تعجبك مش ضروري فنكشات ولو تبي سنما بخذك على حسابي ؛)
    3 points
  2. Great work you r going in unique way and Thad really good develop it more and you will get more success
    3 points
  3. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته, كيف الحال ؟ عساكم بخير إن شاء الله, اليوم جبت لكم مود حسابات ---------- الجديد في السكربت : - حفظ جميع المعلومات التى تقوم بيها داخل اللوحة - لوحة ادارة الحسابات على سريال ---------- - شكل جديد وتصميم متناسق للمزيد من المعلومات قم بمشاهدة الفيدو هونا : https://youtu.be/jbbZjMBL5To @Master_MTA @!#NssoR_) @MrKAREEM @+1HidroNex @Abu-Solo @AbU - W6N @DABL @iPrestege @MR.DEAD @#Soking @#x1AhMeD,-09 @#[K]iLLeR<3 @#[K]aTakuRI-,? @iMr.WiFi..!@*RayaN-Alharbi.@killerProject
    2 points
  4. The decompilation key for level 1 obfuscation (as listed on https://luac.multitheftauto.com) has been circulating in certain hacking groups for a while because it had previously been compromised. In response to level 1 obfuscation becoming insecure, we created level 2 - "More" option. While level 2 obfuscation is a way stronger level of obfuscation, nothing is completely secure. Every single time the current highest level of obfuscation gets cracked, we try to implement a new one as fast as possible. Everything can be breached. So to keep your scripts as safe as possible, you should always use the highest level of obfuscation that https://luac.multitheftauto.com offers, and perhaps also take measures like someone else posted directly above me. Generally speaking, only scripts still obfuscated with the previous, outdated level encryption are susceptible, we advise a re-compile whenever you see that luac.multitheftauto.com starts offering a new level of obfuscation. As I said, nothing is secure. Whenever our latest obfuscation level is cracked, we will take our best efforts to implement a new (tougher) level to replace it for those who want heightened security. Please note that it takes both people that wouldn't usually spend their time playing games (but use their cracking skills for darker purposes) to crack each new generation of obfuscation, and quite some resources to achieve that. Also, alot of people on MTA contend that securing your resources with compiling is a matter of "best effort" (atleast preventing very easy theft, a first layer of defense) and might even be unnecesary/useless for various reasons. However, as I wrote earlier, we take it seriously to continuously offer you the most secure options to aid you in that quest. While nothing related to the possibilities we offer for compilation is completely breach-proof, there's some reasons why the chance you and your scripts become a victim is low, and also why decompiled scripts are often renderred largely useless (thus dealing no harm to you as creator), are pretty low; (open the spoiler)
    2 points
  5. local findRotation = function ( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) local t = -math.deg( math.atan2( x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ) ) return t < 0 and t + 360 or t end local findPitch = function (camerax,cameray,cameraz,pointx,pointy,pointz) local dX=camerax-pointx local dY=cameraz-pointz local dZ=cameray-pointy local pitch=math.atan2(dY,math.sqrt(math.pow(dZ,2) + math.pow(dX,2))); return pitch end local targetX, targetY, targetZ = 0, 0, 0 local elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(projectile) local rotZ = findRotation(targetX, targetY, elementX, elementY) + 180 local pitch = findPitch(targetX, targetY, targetZ, elementX, elementY, elementZ) local rotX = pitch*(180/math.pi) These are the global math functions you need, which I ripped out of my own script. You probably need some adjustments to them in order to make it work for your script. The variable names do speak for them self, so good luck with it!
    2 points
  6. Promising, love it. Keep up great work, can't wait the opening.
    2 points
  7. Unique and good looking! Best of luck!
    2 points
  8. I'm sell this unique soft. This program is for encryption, designed to protect your models on the server. This program excludes artifacts and memory overflow when using RAW-LOADING. * Benefits: 1. Minimally increases the weight of the file. 2. Everything works very quickly. 3. Great reliability. 4. Free updates. 5. A large number of settings. 6. Free help. 7. The password to the files, personally yours and not transmitted anywhere. Price: 12$ [FOREVER] Soon I will make a video on the use of the program.
    1 point
  9. Hey Guys, after a long time i'm back mapping  Thanks for watching.
    1 point
  10. السلام عليكم حبيت استفسر عن شي كيف اقدر اسوي صورة دي اكس عن طريق رابط مشان ما اكثر بحجم المود #
    1 point
  11. codepen -: https://codepen.io/xibrahim/pen/bKVwmX github -: https://github.com/8b7/weather ^,^
    1 point
  12. بالتوفيق , شغل حلو .. وتسلم عالإهداء <3
    1 point
  13. Server owners can also set client scripts cache to false. In this way, scripts will be downloaded and directly executed instead of being saved on the client. <script src="client.lua" type="client" cache="false"/> As Jusonex mentioned about luac.multitheftauto.com, it's not fully secure because scripts must be deobfuscated before loading them for execution. Anyone that understands reversing can copy the logic from MTA's binaries and create their own "decompiler".
    1 point
  14. بالظبط واللون والتصميم اخوي المود من مستر قراند وماعتقد احد بساعدك تقلد مبرمج حاول تجيب MR.GRAND المشكلة الحين انا متحير يعني طريقة السكربت نفس برمجة فكرة جديدة ولو وقف معاك شي بنساعدك احنا
    1 point
  15. يسلمو حبيبي شرف لى اسمك منور بالموضوع
    1 point
  16. شو قصة العرب مع الدقيقة 90 -_____________- و الله ضلم على الاقل 2-1 افضل من 5-0 (:
    1 point
  17. تونس هدف دقيقة اخيرة المغرب هدف دقيقه اخيرة سعودية هدف كل دقيقه هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه مع كامل احترامي طبعا
    1 point
  18. مشكور علي التنبيه function guiGridListRemoveRowByText(gridlist, text) if gridlist and getElementType(gridlist) == "gui-gridlist" then if text and type(text) == "string" then if guiGridListGetRowCount(gridlist) > 0 and guiGridListGetColumnCount(gridlist) > 0 then for ir = 0, guiGridListGetRowCount(gridlist)-1 do for ic = 1, guiGridListGetColumnCount(gridlist) do if guiGridListGetItemText(gridlist, ir, ic) == text then return guiGridListRemoveRow(gridlist, ir) end end end end end end return false end
    1 point
  19. عندك مشكله بـ type(gridlist) استبدله بـ getElementType
    1 point
  20. Quais itens? Eles estão na tabela lootItems? Nela só vejo 1. Se eu entendi corretamente, é só dar um loop na tabela de itens e mudar a quantidade usando math.random. EDIT: Da próxima vez faça o post na área correta.
    1 point
  21. على ايش التكبر والغرور وانت موداتك كلها سهله ومقدور عليها ان م كانت مودات عبد الكريم ؟ وعن اي تعب تتكلم عنه ؟؟؟ ان م كان اغلبها تعديل لوحات كنت اشوفك من افضل المبرمجين لكنن تبًا لقد خاب ضني ي إلاهي
    1 point
  22. مود رائع جداً من شخص اروع + شكرا ع الاهداء اتمنى لك التوفيق
    1 point
  23. The compiler has never been meant to be 100% secure. It can't even be fully secure since the MTA server still needs to read the script files. However, it doesn't look like the decompiler in the video supports "obfuscation level 3" which is much better than the other two.
    1 point
  24. Introduction Let me gather your attention before you look away, so let's get started! Radical Gaming Roleplay was a project that was not taken lightly, in our time of development, we have made tough choices trying to pick and choose the right scripts, the right admins and Game Supporters during this time so we can have a well-developed and managed team. Our mission however, is very different than the rest. The time, money, and dedication that has been put into this server is more than we'd imagined. In the end, it was worth it. The result of what we have created was impressive. We started this with a mission that we're going to create a dynamic and fun place to roleplay. We wanted to create a place that you can come into and not have to worry about being treated wrong, nor disrespected. Here we value our players just as much as everyone else, as players do come first. In result to all of this we have created what we have been imagining for a very, very long time and when it is released it costed more than 6 months to get this far this wouldnt be another owl copy. No mans land Here at Radical Gaming Roleplay, we feel that getting along with other servers is a priority. With this, we to the Community we do not encourage nor endorse DDosing, hacking, trolling, or advertising on any other server. They have built Modernistation We have taken very precise measurements to build what we have. We have refurbished and created something that will bring an entire new name and experience to the roleplay community. From our Game Server to our Forums, we have been trying to make a more welcoming and immersive place for you to enjoy. SummaryOur mission began in early 2008 with the ambition to give everyone the best roleplay experience possible. We had strived to reach that point, but once we did.. it was worth it. We feel that when you join, you will immediately feel a connection between you and the rest of the community. After all, we're a family in it to do one thing and one thing only; to have fun. We gathered a well-developed and experienced team that we are proud to present. We continue to this day to push ourselves to satisfy you, the community, to make it a friendly and welcoming environment.Welcome Back to Radical Gaming Staff Procedores: When a Admin comes into the team he will be trained everyday by the owner so that every staff handles like they all do and that they are friendly its great to the people because the staff will be fast and friendly and knows about the problem without asking others from trail to normal admin he will do about 3 weeks to pass the trail Information Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/embed/u3-8HRQ2ypE Discord: https://discord.gg/xsRuvKq Server Information (Release to public on: 10th of june 2018 12:00 C.E.T +1) ---- Homepage/ Forums: http://radicalgamingrp.com Sincerely, Radical Gaming Development Team Please read the rules on our forums they will come back when you will progress the registration agreements and tour. they will be holded strictly! sincerely Brian - Founder Radical Gaming
    1 point
  25. ما في لازمه لقواعد البيانات يبي يشيل مو يحط function guiGridListRemoveRowByText(gridlist, column, text) if gridlist and type(gridlist) == "gui-gridlist" then if text and column then if guiGridListGetRowCount(gridlist) > 0 then local rowIndex = nil local gridlistRowsCount = guiGridListGetRowCount(gridlist) - 1 for i = 0, gridlistRowsCount do if guiGridListGetItemText(gridlist, i, column) == text then rowIndex = i end end if rowIndex and rowIndex ~= nil then guiGridListRemoveRow(gridlist, rowIndex) end end end end return false end
    1 point
  26. Descomentae as linhas do outputDebugString 72,66,59 e veja o que mostra. A chamada da função depende do valor da variável 'triggered'.
    1 point
  27. dxDrawLine3D Resource laser: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=652
    1 point
  28. function cl_RemoveVehicleOwner ( theVehicle ) if not (theVehicle) or getElementType(theVehicle) ~= "vehicle" then return end local theOwner = getElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehicleowner" ) if ( theOwner ~= false ) then removeElementData ( theOwner, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) removeElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehicleowner" ) removeElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked" ) removeElementData ( owned, "cl_enginestate" ) end setVehicleLocked ( theVehicle, false ) end Se esses erros não tiverem afetando o funcionamento do script, não é obrigatório corrigir, menos que esteja te incomodando no debug.
    1 point
  29. В мта сейчас идёт наплыв игроков из СНГ) и это радует. Только большинство из них помешаны на "МАФЫНКАХ и НОВЫХ СКИНАХ" Вот было же время когда-то, ты запускал сервер в KZ(пинг был всего 10) :3
    1 point
  30. مشكور EH10 منور المنتدي تسلم ركان
    1 point
  31. Shader Panel Descrição: Gerencia os shaders do servidor. Bank System Descrição: Sistema bancário baseado em GUI. ivhud Descrição: Hud do GTA IV para MTA:SA Vehicle Hud Superman 50p - Drift Gang system Tem também este Login Panel. Se não souber como funcionam esses que estão sem descrição, só ver a página do recurso.
    1 point
  32. Por favor, antes de criar um tópico nesta categoria, certifique-se que o seu tópico esteja de acordo com cada uma destas etapas: Formule sua pergunta corretamente Coloque um bom título para o seu tópico. Não intitula o seu tópico com: Ajuda por favor; Dúvida; Alguém me ajuda?; Como faço isto? Em vez disso, você pode deixar especificado o que você precisa no título do tópico. Detalhe sua dúvida para que possamos entender o seu problema melhor Tente informar onde está o erro, por meio do debug (/debugscript 3). Certifique-se de ter verificado o debug. Diga o trecho que não está funcionando caso saiba. Além disso, poste um trecho do código para nos ajudar. E informe o que o script deve fazer para ajudar as pessoas que responderem. Não espere que as pessoas deduzam sem ter informações necessárias! Consulte pelo fórum algo relacionado ao seu problema antes de criar um tópico Uma boa ferramenta é a barra de pesquisa, você pode pesquisar por palavras-chave relacionadas ao que você procura. Isso evitará que vários tópicos similares sejam criados ao longo do tempo. Não peça scripts prontos nem para que façam um script para você* A menos que você esteja procurando por um resource existente. MAS, tenha em mente que este local é exclusivo para ajuda com scripting. Outra exceção, é se você estiver disposto a pagar por um recurso. Por favor postar aqui se você quer pagar por um serviço. * É importante entender como um bom conselho; pedir algo pronto, de fato, nunca vai te ajudar a se desenvolver, além disso, não espere obter suporte para resources vazados na internet e nem ajuda com códigos da mesma origem. Na realidade, é mais benéfico se esforçar em aprender do que pedir pronto, por isso, saiba utilizar este local de ajuda e não apenas para conseguir códigos prontos. Se você já criou um tópico e ele não foi resolvido, não crie outro igual Em vez disso, você pode repostar no seu tópico anterior. Você também pode reviver outros tópicos que tenham o mesmo problema que o seu, mas lembre-se de fornecer informações necessárias pertinentes ao seu problema. Não se esqueça de postar o seu código com a devida formatação (botão Code) : Por fim, lembre-se de definir a linguagem ao qual seu código pertence:
    1 point
  33. Che io sappia no. Ma tanto é inutile perché nessuno si é mai interessato realmente.
    0 points
  34. اخر تحديث كان من زمن جد جد جدي
    0 points
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