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  1. It was a bug, thanks for reporting, fixed in https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/commit/cc660ce354a555470e60d02a67a2c11665a95d24 (wait for the new build) Only happens to servers with a '?' character in 1 of the account names, that's the explanation why there's not many topics like yours about the error. Opportunistic crash.. @AboShanab EDIT: update to this version for fix; (32bit) https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/?multitheftauto_linux-1.5.4-rc-latest or (64bit) https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/?multitheftauto_linux_x64-1.5.4-rc-latest
    2 points
  2. هههههههههههههه أهم شي وصلت الفكرة لاتدقق لكن أقدر أحطه على الحساب ؟
    2 points
  3. @F_F أصبر اصبر .. انت Xiti ?? لا لالالالالالالالالالالا انت بيل غيتس ؟؟ كيف ماكتشفتك للحين ؟؟ أهنيك عالموهبة التخبيصية ,! علعموم ماسويت شيء جديد كالعادة تخبيص .. انصحك ماتساعد لين ماتتعلم اللغة زين بعد كذا تساعد لاتساعد في اشياء ماتعرفلها , خل غيرك يسويها مو ضروري انت الي تسويها + انا مو قصدي احطمك بس شايفك بشكل مستمر ترد بوست تخبيص ومامنه فايدة مع كل احترامي + لا تساعد أبد الا وأنت مجرب الاكواد بنفسك , مو تساعد بكود تخبيصي
    2 points
  4. Hey,Looking For A Good Server, Check out SAWG:RPG servers SAWG Team just started up an RPG,Race Server and hope You Guys would check it out. Hope you take your time and visit it SAWG:RPG Servers Online Best Regards SAWG Owner.
    1 point
  5. نظام دايز المعروف سرفايفل ومحاولة بقاء الاسم : Arabic-DayZ v6.3 OFFICIAL | [Arabic\عربي] DayZ الاي بي : mtasa:// اللغة : English - ليكون العربي والاجنبي يستطيع اللعب نظام اللعبة شبيه بأرما 3 يوجد اكثر من 75سلاح RPK-AKM-PKP-PKM-AK-107-AK47-AK74-M4A1 واسلحة كثيرة جدا , وكل سلاح له دمج محدد وصوت وشكل محدد وطلقات محددة خوذات لتحميك من الرصاص ودروع انتفوري بشكلين , شكل بسيط وشكل بصور وقائمات السيرفر بدون زومبي , فقط قتال ومحاربة بين الاعبين الاخرين ومحاولة البقاء على قيد الحياة - ندخل بالصور هنا اول ماتدخل - - هنا تلبس شخصيتك وتغير الوجه والشغلات ذي هنا الحقيبة وعدد الاسلحة واسمائها - هنا الحقيبة ايضا- هنا انا والقروب حقي بعد ماصار فيضان ونحاول نبقى على قيد الحياة - اقوياء مهما حدث - نسيت اوضع بالفيديو كيف تفتح الحقيبة , الحقيبة تفتحها من [J] وفي امأن الرحمن , ولاتقصرو معنا وزورونا
    1 point
  6. Happy Spring Break! We have got a new release for you - Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.4! This release includes security updates for the server that protect both you and us, so we recommend all server owners to upgrade as soon as possible - see the steps below for tips on that. Failure to do so may affect your server's visibility on the Master Server List in the ingame server browser. Aside from security fixes, there are some feature updates in this version for the client as well, so regular players are more than welcome to update. What do you need to do to upgrade your server properly Stop your server, then upgrade your server binaries like usual. You can also upgrade your server resources if you use any of the default MTA:SA ones. Start your server, and when it is running, stop your server again (This will step will ensure mtaserver.conf is upgraded) Edit your mtaserver.conf file, and find <owner_email_address> (it should be just below the <servername> parameter) and insert a valid e-mail address that we can use to contact you, should there be an issue with your server. This e-mail address IS NOT visible publicly and will only be used for means listed earlier. That is, only if those occur. Save the mtaserver.conf file, then start your server again. Release Highlights Authorized Serial Account Protection is now enabled by default. To put it simply, this feature prevents players from logging in to an account on the server if their serial differs from the serial associated with that account. Naturally, this feature is configurable so you can restrict it to specific account groups and you can authorize more than just one serial for a specific account. You can also disable this in the mtaserver.conf file if you are sure you do not need the feature. Database Credentials Protection is now enabled by default. passwordHash() & passwordVerify() can now be used to store and verify passwords securely and efficiently fetchRemote() now supports parallel downloads with the queue name parameter setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled() now has settings for "sniper moon", "random foliage" and "extra air resistance" New scripting functions: get/setVehicleLODDistance() setElementDimension() now supports element omnipresence, which means that an element can be in all dimensions at once fixes for weapons/fists desync Corona markers should now have a correct attach offset position SQLite or MySQL no longer makes the server freeze if the connection is lost (#9520) Goggles no longer stay after player was killed (#9477) updates for CEF and other dependencies and redists fakelag command for testing sync issues fixes for some crashes and improvements for error handling for installation and startup issues removed max password length limit for server account passwords added server option to allow locally modified (gta3.img) vehicles added world special property "extraairresitance" to remove speed limiter on certain road sections (#7546) resource pack: various changes in acpanel, editor, freeroam, killmessages, playerblips, race and webbrowser ... plus more! A complete list of changes can be found here (recommended read) and here (incomplete, from r10623 upwards). List of changes to the resource pack can be found here (starting from and including Oct 29, 2016 upwards). Want to download MTA:SA 1.5.4? Click here to download the build for Win 7+. Looking for a legacy build for XP/Vista? You can download it here. Or you can click here to go to our home page. Once there, click the Download button at the top center of the page, then choose your build and you are set. Linux server packages are also available. This release is backwards compatible with the 1.5.3 (also 1.5.2, 1.5.1 and 1.5). If you use these versions, then you may as well upgrade to the newest one. Credits for this release: 4O4, Arran, Dutchman101, einheit-101, Fernando, lopezloo, Necktrox, next, Noki_, qaisjp, ZReC ^ (Have you contributed to MTA:SA 1.5.4's source code/resources pack but were not mentioned in the above list? PM @jhxp with a link to your contribution and you will be added ASAP) ^ Oh, and did you know that we have got our very own Discord server now? Click here for details on how to join our server. Take care. -- MTA Team
    1 point
  7. Salut, m-am gandit sa ma apuc de un proiect de server cu modul BattleRoyale si inainte sa fac asta am vrut sa va intreb daca v-ar place ideea si ati intra pe el. Daca nu stiti ce e BattleRoyale-ul, e un mod in care sunteti aruncati cu parasuta si trebuie sa gasiti arme pentru a supravietui. Dupa cateva minute o sa apara un gaz care va omoara daca stati mult timp in el si care o sa se restranga pana intr-un anumit loc unde o sa se lupte jucatorii ramasi pana atunci(La fel ca si Battlegrounds sau H1Z1). Va rog sa imi spuneti daca v-ar place un server de genul acesta si o sa incep sa lucrez la el.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. ما يخالف مادام مارح تضر ذذ + كودك بيكون افضل بدل الرندر
    1 point
  10. ليه مسوي ريندر ؟ onClientGUIChanged
    1 point
  11. بإختصار ترجع لك قيمة, مثل أي فنكشن يرجع لك قيمة
    1 point
  12. deleted class Employee { private int i; double d; // private access by default } copy past
    1 point
  13. Lua ب local تقدر تقول زي
    1 point
  14. Good luck with the server but i've got the say you didn't put much time into the design as i already noticed.For me it just looks basic editing without keeping in mind to stick to a decent theme instead of just a mix of diffrent things.I hope this will change in the future and i'm going to pay a visit to the server very soon.
    1 point
  15. صدقت آخي علي , هذا الشخص لا يعرف في البرمجة شيء , الله يعين
    1 point
  16. Are you using a custom libc/gcc dependency on your distro? Linking against anything non-stock?
    1 point
  17. اموت انا بالعربي الفصيح ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه من اسهل اللغات زي كلامك لكنك مب فالح فيها هذا دليل انها صعبه ولا دليل انك لا تملك العقل الكافي لدراستها؟
    1 point
  18. Please make a screenshot in time, before it disappears/completes aborting.
    1 point
  19. sorry for late reply, here you go i wrote it. Tested and its working. local playerColors = {} -- player color table local offset = 100 -- offset of position (this will make rectangle bigger or smaller depending on value) -- this will get random color for every player (you can use your own system if you want to) function addNewPlayerColor(player) playerColors[player] = tocolor(math.random(255),math.random(255),math.random(255)) end for _,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do addNewPlayerColor(player) end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin",root,function() addNewPlayerColor(source) end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit",root,function() playerColors[source] = {} end) -- this will get random color for every player (you can use your own system if you want to) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,function() for _,players in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (players ~= localPlayer) then -- check or players is not local player if (getPedOccupiedVehicle(players) == 520) then -- check or player is on hidra local pX,pY,pZ = getElementPosition(players) local newX,newY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(pX,pY,pZ) local localX,localY,localZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(localX,localY,localZ,pX,pY,pZ) if (newX and newY and dist >= 500) then -- check or newX newY exists and if dist is over than 500 meters. -- this is Rectangle dxDrawLine(newX-offset,newY-offset,newX+offset,newY-offset,playerColors[players],5,false) dxDrawLine(newX+offset,newY-offset,newX+offset,newY+offset,playerColors[players],5,false) dxDrawLine(newX-offset,newY+offset,newX+offset,newY+offset,playerColors[players],5,false) dxDrawLine(newX-offset,newY-offset,newX-offset,newY+offset,playerColors[players],5,false) -- this is X (center one) dxDrawLine(newX-offset*0.2,newY-offset*0.2,newX+offset*0.2,newY+offset*0.2,playerColors[players],5,false) dxDrawLine(newX+offset*0.2,newY-offset*0.2,newX-offset*0.2,newY+offset*0.2,playerColors[players],5,false) -- this is player info dxDrawText(getPlayerName(players):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""),newX-offset,newY+offset*1.1,0,0,playerColors[players],offset*0.025) end end end end end)
    1 point
  20. هذا مش حساب ، هذا قروب ي ذكي
    1 point
  21. getElementsByType("player") getPedOccupiedVehicle dxDrawLine if i wont be too lazy i will edit this topic and put fully working code.
    1 point
  22. Can you show a screenshot of the error?
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. عفواً يالرهيب
    1 point
  25. Try stopping every resource (keep the MTA default ones), and restart this hud script, see if it is still not working for you.
    1 point
  26. Do you use any other scripts?
    1 point
  27. Works totally fine for me. Btw, you dont have to calculate every variable each frame, so just move them out from the function.
    1 point
  28. شكراً لك انت اروع نورت الموضوع بمرورك تسلم تسلم ههههههههه ان شاء الله يكون عجبك عبد الكريم وشكراً لمرورك الرائع اي مستقبل هذا ههههههههههه ياريتني اذاكر نص ما اقعد على الجهاز ههههههههه نورت الموضوع على كل حال
    1 point
  29. Mult noroc cu acest proiect.
    1 point
  30. هذا اول ماقريت الكلام بعد ماقريت الفنكشنات مت ضحك خلاص بطني + بتحتاج getPlayerAcls -- Useful Function
    1 point
  31. بكل بساطة ههههههههههه اوكي تسلم
    1 point
  32. انا لابغيت اسوي مولتي قيم اول شي وانا اشوفه شي اساسي بالمولتي قيم انك تخلي كل قيم في عالم وهمي وعن طريق العالم الوهمي تقدر تجيب الاعبين وتقدر تسوي الي تبيه لكن يوم تحوس بالداتا والتيبلات راح تواجه مشكلات فـ انصحك بالدمنشن setElementDimension getElementDimension وتقدر تسوي وظيفة تجيب الاعبين الي بالدمنشن بالتوفيق
    1 point
  33. وش فيكم كلكهم حاقدين علي Bross ي لبي توقيعك
    1 point
  34. هلا هلا هلا هلا وأرحب مليون والله انه لك مستقبل جيد من هنا لقدام ، مشكور على اللوقو تقبل مروري #
    1 point
  35. أولا : ليش م تسوي الأكواد بمجهودك م تنسخ وتلصق ؟
    1 point
  36. I'm a seruis gui, hope my seruisity is enough for you. :V
    1 point
  37. I agree with Einheit, make the limits maxed out by default instead of allowing servers to set their own limits; there's really no reason to have lower limits by default, if any thing it improves game play quite a bit.
    1 point
  38. SAWG:RPG Race Servers Online SAWG:RPG Race Server Ip:mtasa:// [Online]
    1 point
  39. World Gaming Website :- Forums link : http://sawgrpg.byethost16.com/ SAWG:RPG Server Ip :mtasa:// [Online] SAWG:RPG Race Server Ip:mtasa:// [Online] SAWG:RPG Mapping|Scripting Server Ip:mtasa:// [Passworded]
    1 point
  40. حسسيت انه في دفاع المدني ض٢ مشكورين على المرور يا لي مشتكي لو سمحت لو انت خايف على سيرفرك لا تحمل مودي
    1 point
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