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Cam Fix for Vehicles!

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Thunderhawk just made a nice camhack to fix the camera angle problem on vehicles.


What it does is removes the 3 second timer that makes your cam go back behind the car after you've moved it with your mouse and started driving. I just tried it and it works great. Start your game, minimize it, click enable on the program and go back to your game.

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Nice job! It works cool, now you're able to lock the cam exactly where you want.

Not sure at all about this but.. it dont rotates when cornering so you got to move the mouse to set it again?

Great job anyways!! :wink:

I noticed that, so you STILL have to move it with the mouse lol.

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at least we have a choice now. either constantly control the camera with the mouse, or deal with the poor camera movement

The camera isn't poor, and i found this camhack really annoying, default set is a lot better for me 8)

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