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PunkBuster (1.3) - cheat/hack detection script


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Thanks everyone :) If you still want it, it's avaliable at


Feel free to refine it or whatever.

However they are right, it's not perfect and is prone to kicking people for no good reason, but it _does_ kick 99% of cheaters (and some bots because they teleport across the map in less than a second).

I've scripted/coded for a long time (mirc/php/html/vb/jscript), just never really done anything with it. It would be nice to join a team, but I think most teams could find better than me :P besides the languages I know are kinda useless for making games/cheat detection (and yes mirc does eat CPU like Rick Waller in a chinese place unfortunately).

I wish there was a way to compile mirc scripts or something :( im my humble opinion mIRC is the best language there is :roll:

Slightly off topic - I am trying to work on an MTA script handler on php (bit like mta:ma, but runnable on linux and more reliable - sorry aeron, don't start on me again). I asked the mta team for support. someone from the team (I cant remember) told me to write it up and email them. So I did, but guess what, no response. Ah well, I'm doing it anyway. look out for that soon :lol:

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1 suggestion:

u have this:

alias mta.pb.spawnselect {
 if ($mta.location($1,$2) == -971 280 11.2630376815796) return true
 elseif ($mta.location($1,$2) == -1421 -760 14.8677339553833) return true
 elseif ($mta.location($1,$2) == -690 -1360 10.9086408615112) return true
 elseif ($mta.location($1,$2) == 409 656 11.2590389251709) return true
 elseif ($mta.location($1,$2) == 34.5 -1178.5 10.4633226394653) return true
 elseif ($mta.location($1,$2) == 474.399993896484 -1717.5 57.2528877258301) return true
 elseif ($mta.location($1,$2) == -836 -638 10.9292240142822) return true
 else return false

id have this:

alias mta.pb.spawnselect {
 var %a = $mta.location($1,$2)
 if ($readini(pb.ini,spawnlocations,$replace(%a,$chr(32),$chr(44)))) !return $true
 else !return $false

then have the contents of pb.ini as:


and put pb.ini in ure root mirc dir. This will reduce CPU usage a bit.

Ill look over the rest later, im sure there are more things that could be done.. that just stood out to me

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Good work Fayte.

P.S. You might want to change the name to something other than PunkBuster as I believe that name is copywritten. That's presumably the reason why MTAMA uses the term Punk Catcher (or something like that).

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Maybe you could make a version, or a setting which means you can type !speedhackers which then gives you a list of people suspected.

That was if you find it to be unreliable at kicking/banning it still has some use.

You might even have it log the suspects.

Just ideas.

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1.2 has been released and incorporates many new ideas and features. See the first post for more information.

Hopefully we can bring a stop to the annoying little kids who think it's cool to download hacks and abuse the game.

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i see no harm in making a script to counter-act cheats, my PB v1.5 works just fine, and can even work against that "guy dropping out of a heli" thing someone mentioned :P

as far as cheat protecting MTA, well theres only 1 way you can do that effectivly and MTA havent come up with that yet :) (maybe when MTA finally comes off the beta? lol)

anyways, good work Fayte 8)


edit* -- just one side note.. you CAN actually write in a health detection that doesnt interfer with sailor regeneration, slaps, etc.

bye :P

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as far as cheat protecting MTA, well theres only 1 way you can do that effectivly and MTA havent come up with that yet :) (maybe when MTA finally comes off the beta? lol)

They've said that Blue will offer them more ways of detecting cheating. It will also allow people like Fayte more control over their third party anti-cheat programs.

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nice work, lol i still say youre a very neat coder..

compared to my 'HEAP' :P (ashamed)

keep up the good work 8)

and seeing as tho this is my third post on mtavc forums, a big hey to all who read this, and to all those who care :P

a bigger hey to all of you i know :wink:

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Maybe I've founded a little bug.

Status: !pdmode auto

I go in the player selection screen, I check myself: !pbcheck 0.

Admin slaps Auron

Kicked. (auto-cheat detection).


Status: !pbmode warn

I go in the player selection screen, I check myself: !pbcheck 0.

Admin slaps Auron.

PunkBuster: THH_Au{R}oN does not appear to be using health hacks


Another suggestion:

When I set the pb in "warn", and I try to insert a health cheat, if i write !pbcheck 0, it kick me, also if isn't on "auto".

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