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Air Stunt game mode

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I've got a game mode suggestion for MTA. A stunt mode ( not one like in MTA:VC ).

There are 15 planes @ the Los Santos airport 15 @ the San Fierro Airport 15 @ the Las Venturas Airport and 20 in the Sierra Nevada.

All planes are stuntplanes. At the spawn screen you can select at which airport or on the sierra nevada you want to spawn. If you selected it you must chose if you are the jury or a pilot.

If you selected jury you are going in a sort of spectating mode and you have to watch the pilots if they're in the air and give them points.There can be max 8 jury members. ( on each place )

If you selected pilot to spawn, you spawn on the place you've selected and you have to grab a plain. You have to talk with the other pilots what maneuvres you are going to do. You must fly in formation, if you are gonna do individual stuns the jury will warn you, and if you repeat doing that, the jury has an option to let the plane explode.

If you talked with the other pilots, and decided what stunts you are gonna do, tell the jury and they will watch if you do the stunts correctly and give you points. You may fly away from the airport if your stunt is gonna be somewhere else then the airport ( like flying under bridges etc. ), the jury is in a spectating mode ( as i said before ^^ ) and has the ability to change from plane, so they can watch everywhere you go.

I hope you guys can also synch the white and red smoke who comes out of your plane so it looks nice when you are doing stunts ( i've played SA only on ps2 till now so i don't know if the PC version also has the white and red smoke if you push the buttons ).

Hope you like my idea, good luck with MTA:SA team :wink: .

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Some kindda airrace yeh :wink: maybe there cud be even visitors behind fences. Probably there could be a shop on the airport with drinks and food etc. Looks very cool to me :lol:

=DS=*Weed* wrote:

and if you repeat doing that, the jury has an option to let the plane explode.


Uhhm, and what if some damned idiots join the jury and blow all aircraft up for fun?

Well i thought of this to but i think there must be 1 server admin in the jury, if there isn't a server admin with the good rights the race couldn't start.

Maybe that option wouldn't be such good, I think the best way is to give the guy 0 points.

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perhaps there doesnt need to be a jury - the game can decide whether or not you did a stunt correctly. it's the same idea as what you did during flight school in single player - there will be a bunch of rings you have to follow and fly through, and in the end you have to land the plane nicely in the designated area. i think i recall the game keeping track of rolls and loops without any rings involved as well.. that would be even better.

this idea can extend to bike stunts and car stunts as well, where you do the same types of stunts as you would in the car and bike schools in single player.

there can be a set routine for the planes (made by the mod creator) that has players perform various aerobatic stunts, and competitions can be held where the game keeps track of whether or not you went through all the rings, if you did the rolls and loops, your landing, and your final time.

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I think erorr404 has a great idea. We cannot give power to people to judge the performance of other players, and even blow up their own aircraft. Its madness, it could lead to unfairness and other things. I think it would be best if the computer do it. That is -- if its posible / probable.

Add 4 bytes to the float!

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Yeh that's right, but the idea of error404, is not what i thought of, if you have to do stunts by your own, my idea is useless. There doesn't need to be a jury but if you have to do stunts by your own and fly through rings and the computer checks if you did it right, you can also do that in single player. My idea was to let ppl fly in formation and do nice stunts together, doing individual stunts in multiplayer isn't cool.

Forget about the explode idea, it was a dumb idea and there doesn't need to be a jury. But there could be a sort of spectator mode, for people who join the server and only wanna watch the stunts. Would be cool, also they could just spawn as a visitor @ one of the 3 airports and in the sierra nevada.

Immagine how cool it would look if you can see 15 or less pilots flying in formation, doing damn nice stunts and you could see the red and white smoke from the stuntplanes ( synch that plzzzzzz ).

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Why don't you just hold the old stunt mode from Vice City and just update it with a bunch of stuff. I always wanted to have burning rings to jump trough or a platform in the sky :)

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They could mix the old Vice City stunt mode with the new stuntplanes mode.. That way some people can still enjoy the old stunt mode if they have a hard time getting used to flying..

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y don't u make a spec. area, and they could get like dodos to follow the pilots and watch them do stunts from almost any angle, but set a distance limit or sumthing, so that they don't get too close to the stunts and fuck it up. and i dunno about stuntplanes, they suck ass, they're too touchy, maybe the harrier jumpjet. that would be sweet, there will probably be a war mod for it too, sumwhere out in the desert and shit....whoa :shock: thats a good idea, there could be an rpg mode where players take control of the 3 cities and all the small towns, and make money, allies and go to war and shit. there's enough vehicles and planes and choppers, it would be sweet....the big assed plane in LV in the middle of the runway could be modded to be a bomber. people could spend their money on vehicles and weapons for their soldiers. people could do whatever, but a war mod would be soo sweet.....oil if you're listening.... :wink:

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The stuntplanes are just cool when you activate the red smoke tail. cool in loops, better online when peeps can see the smoke. (hehehe fly low over other player's to blind them...)

Now thats what i mean :D

finally somebody understands how cool that would look :lol:

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