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Howdy peeps, ITS ME!


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:D , Guess who is BACK in town boys and girls............. :roll: . Any whoooo I got a favor to ask from the forums. I want a free Ipod..... I now it may sound really lame but I want to know if it works. So I have no Idea how this thing works, so ... here is my linky thingy :


I think you guys have to sign up, am not sure.. :? . But if anyone wants to help me out, I will love you forEVER!

Greets to all my peeps,



All the stunters and watch for a GTA:sa Stunt vid from me.


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Generally such pyramid schemes only benefit the person who started them, and there are always more users than prizes so the chances of you winning are slim. My advice would be to get a job and buy an iPod because nothing in life is free.

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Generally such pyramid schemes only benefit the person who started them, and there are always more users than prizes so the chances of you winning are slim. My advice would be to get a job and buy an iPod because nothing in life is free.

apart from mta

Yeah, but it costs people in time and loss of a social life (if they had one to lose in the first place, that is). That time could be spent working and earning money so the cost would be the lost revenue.

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