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Customizable game?

Guest IniX

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This would be nice as a basic script.

At the beginning you start in a wardrobe, you can edit your player with ALL clothes and stuff and hair and tattoos, etc. Then when you are done, it gets saved on the server. Then you start at a point and play. When you get back to ONE house, like the central, you can edit your person again.

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Well, it is being made under the Blue code. Im sure you could just mod your character if they don't, but they were gonna do it in MTA VC, except you get to pick a skin, not the clothes. The thing would be syncing the clothes that would make it work right, so its not like MTA VC, being a cop and look like a sailor.

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Are you talkin about how you will look like on your screen only, or also how others will appear on your screen ?

The first can be realy easily moded as it has nothing to do with the server since you don't care about how others appear to the others (mabe some random choosen model from a list).

The second will have to be added to server and client code cuz your client will have to communicate more infos to the server at each connection. I think its a good idea to add to server, but dunno how much work it will take.

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Are you talkin about how you will look like on your screen only, or also how others will appear on your screen ?

The first can be realy easily moded as it has nothing to do with the server since you don't care about how others appear to the others (mabe some random choosen model from a list).

The second will have to be added to server and client code cuz your client will have to communicate more infos to the server at each connection. I think its a good idea to add to server, but dunno how much work it will take.

Did you read the entire thing? Or are you just trying to spam? OF COURSE OTHER PEOPLE CAN SEE HOW YOU LOOK LIKE THEN!

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Then when you are done, it gets saved on the server.
Save on the server? I don't think that is a good idea.

What about your current CJ config gets saved in a .ini or .cfg or what extension else the MTA team will use after clothing your CJ in the wardrobe, so the server only has to read the file with your custom CJ.

If it was saved on the server, your CJ will get lost if you'd quit the server

but If it would be saved on your pc so the server reads it, it won't get lost. and it won't cost all the time to create your own CJ again and again.

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What has height got to do with it?

In game interiors are placed over 1000 in game feet into the sky, well out of reach without a height limit mod, which a hacker could easily do.

As all the interiors have already been found in the PS2 version, and there is high suspision that they are in the same place on the PC, If invincibility was turned off for the person in the wardrobe, some1 could just fly right up there into the interior universe, locate the Wardrobe, and blast the living crap out of the person in the Wardrobe.

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What has height got to do with it?

In game interiors are placed over 1000 in game feet into the sky, well out of reach without a height limit mod, which a hacker could easily do.

As all the interiors have already been found in the PS2 version, and there is high suspision that they are in the same place on the PC, If invincibility was turned off for the person in the wardrobe, some1 could just fly right up there into the interior universe, locate the Wardrobe, and blast the living crap out of the person in the Wardrobe.

Also, you would have to go into the interior loader to actually go into the interiors.

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you dont have to go into the loading marker if you have Subby-Mac Guns/Pistol while on the Jetpack. You just have to do the "Shoot thru walls" glitch like in the past versions of GTA. The whole Get really close to the wall but not touching it thing. Then Open fire on the poor Fool!!!

Also, you dont even have to go into Ganton Gym to get to the I.Universe, just use a height mod, and find the unloaded Wardrobe interior. from just flying up really high in the sky without even going into an interior.

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Then when you are done, it gets saved on the server.
Save on the server? I don't think that is a good idea.

What about your current CJ config gets saved in a .ini or .cfg or what extension else the MTA team will use after clothing your CJ in the wardrobe, so the server only has to read the file with your custom CJ.

If it was saved on the server, your CJ will get lost if you'd quit the server

but If it would be saved on your pc so the server reads it, it won't get lost. and it won't cost all the time to create your own CJ again and again.

Do you remember the: "Trainer found" note?

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The server only has to read the file, no more, no less. nothing bad about that, if it was server side saved you would lose your character each time you disconnect and create it again and again.

and about the "supected trainer" it won't be saved in your standard SA file, just a stand alone file, which has nothing to do with SA sp, only MTA has to read it with your CJ details inside

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saved on the server is only temporary, so loss of data, or it has to be saved on the servers pc in case of servers run from people's desktops, I don't think they want all the saved clothes stored on their pc's

Could be stored in text.

All MMORPG store the data server-side, some even use text. An entire server of hundreds of players would only be 2 MB or less of text. And considering this is just talking about CJ's clothing and the player amounts are much less, I think the text would only reach 500 KB or so, if ever.

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As we've said, such things are entirely up to the developers of mods, we aren't going to get involved, and I'm sure when mod developers come to developing their mods they'll do what they think is right in the circumstances - which will hugely vary from mod to mod.

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