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Should free-aiming for drivers be allowed in MTA:SA?

Guest NamelessPlayer

Should free-aiming for drivers be allowed?  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. Should free-aiming for drivers be allowed?

    • Definitely! I think it balances out the vehicles more, since you're not just limited to shooting from the sides.
    • Hell no! Vehicles are unbalanced enough as is!
    • I really don't care either way.

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assault weapon classes are too strong for driveby, I vote for pistols and submachine classes. And by the way, the ak was in 1st person, not third

in the last mission you hang out of the car in 3rd person, and I think that's supposed how to be in mp, no 1st person, that's not cool with sightseeing but 3rd. and what about a button to activate driveby mode, if you want to sit in a car just as passenger but don't want to shoot you'll hang out of the window doing nothing, how about a button to go to drive-by mode, with as example holding RMB like aiming, so when you hold RMB your character goes in drive-by mode.

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  njr1489 said:
BTW is there a mod that can enable all weapons to do drive bys, or can you just edit the weapon.dat file? I've seen cops drive by with a pistol before.

Anyway, assualt rifles are too powerfull to be used on a drive by.

gah, ppl use them in real life to do drive-by's so it should be enabled :)

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  [ION]Leviathan said:
assault weapon classes are too strong for driveby, I vote for pistols and submachine classes. And by the way, the ak was in 1st person, not third

in the last mission you hang out of the car in 3rd person, and I think that's supposed how to be in mp, no 1st person, that's not cool with sightseeing but 3rd. and what about a button to activate driveby mode, if you want to sit in a car just as passenger but don't want to shoot you'll hang out of the window doing nothing, how about a button to go to drive-by mode, with as example holding RMB like aiming, so when you hold RMB your character goes in drive-by mode.

I agree :wink:

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gah, ppl use them in real life to do drive-by's

I'm not sure realism is the issue, it's more a case of balancing power of attack and defence. But if it was it would be a lot more unweildly to try and perform rapid driveby shootings with a cumbersome, long, two handed weapon. Much easier with a small single handed one such as a pistol or ingrams.

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yes, exactly wat I wanted to say

but unlikely enoegh (bored to death and played vigilante untill I was bored of that (took me only a little 100 levels)) the criminals in a high vigilante missions do drive by's with shotguns and kalashnikovs. But it seems strange, hanging out of the window with a two handed weapon, if you wield a one handed you could use your other hand to hold the car...

It's strange, to see the criminals shoot a two handed weapon without holding the car...

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  [ION]Leviathan said:
The police maverick has some kind of rocket distraction method :arrow: The searchlight. Shine the light in the face of the rocket guy and aiming @ you would be a lot harder, unless he has the homed RL...

I like that idea, synching the searchlight.

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hey, so im reading this forum, and i thought. this could b an end to carkilling, cuz you can shoot the driver, passengers, roll out of the way, or take out the tires and gas tank. this should all b in the synchronization b/c the game just isn't itself without that.

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  [ION]Leviathan said:
cleared the story line, so I did, and it looks not veary realistic if somebody is sitting in the window (aiming other side) and the car makes a sharp turn @ high speed...

i meant real life goofus :P , for me it should be like that: driver perform only 'left-right' drive-by's and passenger can stick tru the window and shoot wherever they want 8)

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Offically you can use pistols subs shotguns and assaults, no snipers or heavy weaps or throwables. yeah I've tested it. like the cheat (cleared the game, so now I start a cheat file) recruited members have RL, and they don't use them in driveby. so only the 4 classes above can be used, I prefer only to use the pistols and subs becouse the shotguns and assaults get too strong...

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  NamelessPlayer said:
I'm sure you all know that there's a free-aim cheat that allows you to aim your weapon anywhere around your vehicle, just as your passengers would.

This makes vehicle drivers more threatening, BUT it also prevents them from being thrown off bikes, which seems quite unbalancing.

Of course, if the Blue platform is as flexible as you say it is, anyone could just code it in, with the addition of bikers having their free-aim in addition to the threat of being knocked off. Not to mention it would automatically be turned off if you board a tank(if you're crazy enough to add such an unbalancing vehicle).

Let the discussion begin! Oh, and keep in mind that if this thread turns into a flame war or something else crazy, I'll delete it if I can.

Anyways are u talking this screenshot from the X-Box version?

http://www.planetgrandtheftauto.com/ima ... ll/s16.jpg

The guy with the guns and the driver doing nothing.

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Bad idea. Bad enough we have car n00b pussies who just stay in their cars and car kill, now they have more incentive to stay in their cars. Unless car interior hit detection is synchronized, then its not a good idea. If some fag is just parked there plugging me full of holes, I want to tag his ass right back.

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Yeah, but you can just shoot out their tires so that they can't drive so well and then aim for the gas tank. Alternatively, if you're a good shot and there's not too much lag, you could aim straight for the gas tank to start with.

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Well, how can we be sure that exploding gas tanks will be synced? And it's still a tad unbalanced. Even in mta:vc(which I love btw) things are a little bit unbalanced with the car n00bs. If exploding gas tanks are coded and synced, I welcome it, and I think it adds a needed level of strategy, versus just shooting the crap out of their tires then other parts of their car like in mta:vc.

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  {VCS}TheDude said:
Well, how can we be sure that exploding gas tanks will be synced? And it's still a tad unbalanced. Even in mta:vc(which I love btw) things are a little bit unbalanced with the car n00bs. If exploding gas tanks are coded and synced, I welcome it, and I think it adds a needed level of strategy, versus just shooting the crap out of their tires then other parts of their car like in mta:vc.

I'm sure gas tanks will be synced at some point, although it's unknown whether that will be in the first release of MTA:SA or not.

It's definitely a good balancing feature though. I could have lots of fun with a sniper rifle ;)

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